He pumped Bitcoin to $1000+ by doing fake trades and bitcoiners still hate him? Weird people...
Great point. Mt. Gox's estate owes me $5k in fiat for a wire they never sent, but no BTC because I pulled what I had with them and potentially on the auction block before they went tits-up. The $5k is peanuts compared to the benefit I realized by selling near the high. If Krapholes is responsible for that 4-figure blip he did me a giant favor and I'd be inclined to just let him have the $5k and give him a hearty thanks.
For some reason I was not at all upset over my loss here while normally such things drive me into a foaming rage. Part of it was that when I decided to take a chance on the $5k wire I gave it relatively high odds of failure. Another part may have been a gut sense that Mt. Gox's activities had served me quite well though I don't think that the analysis of their trading bots was released until some time after they had suffered a very obvious implosion. Another part which I have yet to shake is that I sense that the U.S. corp/gov authorities had more than a little involvement in the nature and timing of the events and that there is more to the story than simplistic embezzlement, although it seems not unlikely that multiple parties independently saw 'hundreds of millions' of reasons to pressure him. Time will tell perhaps. If Mark ended up 'suicided' I would not be surprised in the least though as an observation supporting one hypothesis or another it would not be all that valuable.
Of all the times he has looked in the mirror, how could he missed seeing that his plan won't work. The noose would slip off.