Thanks that helps. The issue I am still having is that when a address sends btc and I look at the scriptsig and extract the last 130 hex characters and enter it it the tools suggested in this thread it doesn't have any relation to the address or it's an invalid public key.
As a worked example... have a look at this recent tranasction: we look at the sigscript:
Firstly we try the final 130 chars:
Doesn't begin with "04", so it's not an uncompressed key... not surprising, given that it is a relatively recent transaction and most legacy addresses used today will be using "compressed" keys.
Then we try the final 66:
"02", so it's likely a compressed public key... if we put that into
the Address tool I listed earlier, we can see it outputs:
Which matches the bitcoin address from the transaction:
NOTE: This tool was not designed for "compressed" keys... it
will complain that it has an "invalid public key length":
But it
will still generate the correct address.
Now, let's look at this much older transaction: sigscript of the first input is:
The last 130 chars are:
Starts with 04... quite likely an
uncompressed public key... So, feeding that into
the tool:
And we can see the address checks out: