From your list, many of the projects still have not produced anything that we can see, touch or use.
EOS said that they were going to release something by end of summer. Nothing yet.
Gnosis's website says that they are releasing their game by first half of 2017. Nothing yet.
I don't see anything produced on Qtum's website.
After raising $53 million, Cosmos's website is still pitching its white paper. Come on. What have they produced with that $53 million?
Here's MobileGo's roadmap from their white paper:
May - June: Gamecredits Mobile Store Public Launch
May - June: Gamecredits accepted for mobile store games and in- game content purchases
July - August: first centralized tournaments on platform
However, I don't see any of that on their website. They're mainly bragging about how their token is on exchanges. What are they doing? Day-trading their own token?
I think a lot of people are going to get burnt by investing in vapour-ware.