The positions you espouse here are pretty typically democrat. Nothing wrong with that, but that is the case. That kind of is the meaning of the word partisan, although I don't find you are horribly so.
I agree, but that is mostly because I only talk about foreign affairs here, where I tend to be much more liberal, I tend to be more libertarian in my economic and social stances, with a couple of economic exceptions. I've also been painted a democrat often because I wasn't in love with Ron Paul's platform and argued against it. Which, at the time, automatically made me a socialist.
In fairness, I can only go by the positions you take. If all the positions you mention are democrat, then your posture here is somewhat partisan in fact. Again, I don't really have a problem with that. Some of my positions here are fairly republican, although socially I'm pretty far left of the democrats. Also, militarily, I'm probably more anti war than the Dem party.
Areas where i tend to lean conservative:
I am strongly against domestic protectionism (something that President Obama in part campaigned on).
Very pro-free trade.
In favor of privatized social security.
Pro-second amendment / against gun bans.
Pro-sweat shops / Bangladesh garment factories.
I don't buy into the neocolonial argument presented with regards to US operations overseas.
Pro-TANF reforms
anti-affirmative action
I actually like Wal-Mart
Anti-fair trade
Pro genetically modified food
Some areas where I tend to differ more from conservatives / social conservatives:
International affairs (because modern conservatives simply have consistently poor or non-existent foreign affairs platforms, they tend to rather rely on economic and social issues to win power, not good foreign policy).
Universal Healthcare
Most social issues (which I tend to be more libertarian on, including issues like abortion so non-social conservative / religious conservative).
The current desire to decrease food stamp benefits and welfare even further (despite the fact that we are operating under Republican proposed reforms).
The Fairtax
I am anti many domestic agricultural subsidies
Where I am neutral:
Environmental policies
War on Drugs policies