Hey iluvbitcoins! I have done the tutorial, which you can find here:
Btc addy: 1NjBYfVUp7dd4GF2Sqvvw7WrWXUNkXGmPV
Tor addy: TPouzCh6dRPvWnxRkfxzmrv4arWTJcQhto
Seems I have gotten into a pretty big mess with sending the Social Media campaign payments
The small fee has gotten my wallet clogged up and no payments can get confirmed until the first transaction confirms (which probably won't xD)
So, I'm currently syncing a new wallet where I'll transfer my coins trying this method
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycq7O48aPvQYou can expect your payment tommorow
If it's really urgent I'll manage to send the coins from my own funds
TOR however doesn't have scaling issues, so 2 TOR sent
Hey OP, can you paste the links to the videos on the main OP, so we can just find it there?
Will do
If its make on real life then I perform on
Go to a store, take something to the cashier, and ask
do you accept Torcoin?
If they say no, ask are you sure?
If answer is no
Say, fuck it, you've seen my face, it's pointless now anyways. this task and I hope the op will be happy on my perform and give me payment.now tell me how I make the video real life or virtual life(Internet).??
Real life, we're all eager to see your vid!