Throughout the year, I started imagining myself playing a more active role in the bitcoin ecosystem and even earning bitcoin instead of Euro. The thought sounded ludicrous at first but then I thought why not?! I am, however, neither a developer, nor an educator, nor the type of business owner who can pay and get paid in bitcoin. So, I asked myself, what could I do to at least enhance the awareness and adoption rate of bitcoin. In other words, what would bitcoin do if it were a company (which obviously it is not!) to get more recognition and acceptance?
As a sports enthusiast, my immediate thought was that it would improve its image and adoption by increasing its PR and marketing activities through sponsorships of perhaps a sport team. It would probably also hire sales staff to convince other businesses to accept bitcoin, not to mention paying its own employees in this currency. All this to say, that I combine my two passions for sports and bitcoin and found a decentralized and sponsorship-based sports team called “team satoshi”, named after Satoshi (Nakamoto) obviously, the anonymous founder(s) of bitcoin.
I believe that if bitcoin were to play its role in the kind of world that I am imagining for humanity, it requires universal adoption. For this to become a reality, bitcoiners have a responsibility to spread not only the word but to also invest bitcoin itself in increasing its adoption and recognition through donations in PR activities, inviting nocoiners to join the community, and support those who have the skills to promote bitcoin like any other currency requiring education prior to adoption. I, for example, have been giving bitcoin as a gift for birthdays, Christmas and wedding presents in the hopes that it will intrigue nocoiners and the like.
As the 10th year anniversary of bitcoin, to many known as the Genesis block, approaches on January 3rd, it seemed as the perfect opportunity to use its celebration combined with the newly founded sports team, team satoshi, to raise awareness and adoption of bitcoin: a winter bike tour from Florence (the birthplace of modern banking) to Frankfurt (home to the European Central Bank (ECB)). The tour is called “Tour de Satoshi” and of course it starts on January 3rd!
I believe that this type of attitude is important for the promotion of the BTC. When asking a store or hostel owner why he does not receive payments on BTC, this will naturally make him think and research how he could receive.