Supposedly, what had happened was that someone was able to dupe a Linode customer service rep into giving them access to the server's in browser tty shell. That's the story i was given.
Not exactly, allegedy what happened is the hackers hacked the email address
[email protected] due to password reuse. This email address was a recovery email address for another account, which IIRC was
[email protected]. Once they accessed this account, the hacker then allegedly reset the Linode password and somehow bypassed the 2FA on the linode account.
That is exactly what happened with another site Bitcoinica which was hacked 3 times in 2012, same hosting company and all, and Bitcoinica was also owned by an Australian: fact TF was even warned not to use this host for this reason many times by many people and ignored all of them.
It is very possible that it is a coincidence, but this also could've been planned.
There is one small detail that does not make sense however. The part about how th linode 2FA was bypassed was basically skipped over in his explanation, and also the account
[email protected] had 2FA enabled too, so I don't know how the account password could be reset without turning off 2FA, and TF never mentioned how that was done either, in fact he never mentioned he had 2FA enabled on this account at all when he in fact did.