
Topic: 🔷🔷[ANN] [ICO]💲31,169,749 🔷Partner Civic & Bancor🔷HitBTC & OKEx - page 16. (Read 66178 times)

Activity: 36
Merit: 0 is thrilled to announce that they have teamed up with ViewFin, the creator of Metaverse; China’s first public blockchain, based on the PoW consensus mechanism.

As part of this partnership, Metaverse’s token, ETP, will be listed on this crypto exchange as they begin adding more ICO client tokens in the upcoming few months. In addition, its aim to work closely with ViewFin to help list a number of Metaverse tokens on this exchange.

ViewFin has a strong investor network that will correlate in’s recently launched, highly attractive Angel Investor, Institutional and Seed & Venture Programs. Additionally, since its launch in 2014, ViewFin has built a wide network of partners, media outlets and event organizers. This substantial network will no doubt complement it's already successful line-up of highly esteemed individuals, which will help to gain the required access to mainland China.

They will collaborate with Metaverse across a variety of sectors including trading, investment banking, compliance, and risk management, given ViewFin’s success in attracting and nurturing local and international talent, and facilitating innovation for sustainable growth.

How will the community benefit from Metaverse?

The collaboration of companies will expose to a number of Metaverse engineers who can provide technical assistance for the creation of digital assets, digital identities, built-in smart contracts, as well as the issuance of tokens on the Metaverse blockchain.

ViewFin will also create Metaverse Smart Tokens for it's clients and facilitate the listing of such tokens on partner exchanges.

Both firms are on the path to ensuring their clients are fully educated about blockchain technology and its benefits on consumers. On this,’s Managing Director of Research & Business Development John Patrick Mullin, commented “We will work closely with them on educational meetups, events and conferences to create a strong community in Shanghai, Hong Kong and South East Asia in the near future.”

So if you still not registered this exchange, than you are missing great thing which is lying just infront of your eyes!! Still there is a chance to keep your name in top 1000 who is going to test this platform as a beta tester before going to live for the masses.

Thank you.

With regards,
Manoj Kumar Ram

Thanks for sharing the detailed information!
Activity: 350
Merit: 10
Blockchain Data Verification System of TIO with FXPRIMUS Partnership!! platform has been developed to establish it to influence the institutional investors to get in the Crypto market, which is one of the biggest growing market today, because the innovation of blockchain  technology has become the top priority of the World.
But the problem is that none of the present exchanges are offering the complete security system for its traders. We have seen that so many exchanges have been compromised these days & people lost their Crypto assets. So that the big players are not comfortable with this leakages, that's why, they are not coming into the Crypto market with full confidence. knows this circumstances & bringing this platform with all the required security system to protect the funds. So that it has partnered with Cyprus's one of the leading Company with ten years of experience in trading, who knows the importance of security of trading. Just follow this video for better understanding

So feel free to do your free registration & see the further progress of exchange platform here:

The early adopter will get most out of it.
Thank you & welcome on the board.

With regards,
Manoj Kumar Ram
full member
Activity: 645
Merit: 106
Ten days more the event that Tradeio hold with Bloomberg. I believe so many people will interesting the event. And this colaboration will be an attempt to bridge the worlds of traditional finance with blockchain/cryptocurrency.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
the team comes up with some good news every week.. Topp!!
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
Waiting for something more amusing here. Very nice design, justifiable idea.  Good luck fellows.
Activity: 124
Merit: 0
The website seems to be simple yet meaningful.Hopefully this will be awesome project and
the team will finds its success without any doubt.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
14 days left for winners. let see the new things.
jr. member
Activity: 115
Merit: 1 Джим Пpeйcлep ceгoдня oбъявил в cвoeм выcтyплeнии нa тopжecтвeннoм выcтyплeнии, пocвящeннoм Bloomberg в Лoндoнe, Aнглия, чтo бyдeт зaпyщeн флaгмaнcкий пpoдyкт 17 июля 2018 гoдa. Oбъявлeниe пoявилocь пocлe нecкoлькиx мecяцeв oжидaния в миpe кpиптoгpaфии, гдe oни c гoтoвнocтью пoдгoтoвилиcь к зaпycкy биpжeвoй тopгoвли, a зaтeм и к Liquidity Pool.

B тeчeниe пepвoгo мecяцa зaпycкa кoмпaния тaкжe oбъявилa o тoм, чтo oни бyдyт пpeдлaгaть бeз кoмиccии тopгoвцaм. Пpeдвapитeльнaя peгиcтpaция нa биpжe дocтyпнa здecь:

Ceгoдня cтaлo пoиcтинe ocoбeнным coбытиeм, пocкoлькy oтпpaзднoвaл oбъявлeниe o зaпycкe нe тoлькo c oдним, нo и c двyмя вaжными coбытиями. Пepвый из ниx был oзaглaвлeн «Бyдyщee кpиптoтepмины»; Пepвoe кpиптoвaлютнoe coбытиe Bloomberg. Mepoпpиятиe тpaнcлиpoвaлocь в пpямoм эфиpe нa тыcячи пoльзoвaтeлeй eжeднeвныx пoльзoвaтeлeй Bloomberg Terminals, a тaкжe тpaнcлиpoвaлocь в пpямoм эфиpe нa вeб-caйтe Coтpyдничecтвo c былo пoпыткoй oбъeдинить миpы тpaдициoнныx финaнcoв c блoчнoй цeпью / кpиптoвaлютaми, oбъeдинив oдни из caмыx яpкиx yмoв и caмыx иннoвaциoнныx мыcлитeлeй, для eдинcтвeннoгo в cвoeм poдe coбытия. Этo coбытиe бyдeт вocпpoизвoдитьcя нa

B cвязи c oбъявлeниeм o выпycкe Exchange, тaкжe пpoвeлa кaмпaнию пapтизaнcкoгo кoфe, кoтopaя пpoxoдилa в oднoм из caмыx oживлeнныx пpигopoдныx гopячиx тoчeк Лoндoнa и финaнcoвыx цeнтpax, cтaнции Canary Wharf, чepeз кoтopyю кaждый дeнь пpoxoдит бoлee 350 000 чeлoвeк. вepит в пocтoяннoe пpeвышeниe oжидaний cooбщecтвa и ceгoдня нe cтaлo иcключeниeм. Бoлee 13 000 бecплaтныx кoфe были пoдaны в фиpмeнныx чaшкax , нa oживлeннoй cтaнции мeтpo London, a тaкжe в 20 нeзaвиcимыx кoфeйняx в лoндoнcкoм Cити. Кpoмe тoгo, мнoгoчиcлeнныe шoкoлaдныe мoнeты, имитиpyющиe кpиптoвaлютнocть кoмпaнии, Topгoвый тoкeн (TIO), были pacпpeдeлeны пo paзличным лoндoнcким плoщaдкaм, и oбe эти и чaшки кoфe пpeдлoжили зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя в пoпyляpнoй кaмпaнии эфиpoв.

Ceгoдня кoмпaния тaкжe плaниpyeт oживить тoлпy нa cтaнции Canary Wharf, c нeoжидaнным флeш-мoбoм тaнцopoв, oдeтыx в кocмoнaвты. Этo пpoиcxoдит в пpямoм эфиpe нa cтpaницe Facebook кoмпaнии

Глoбaльнaя пpecca тaкжe пpиcyтcтвoвaлa нa oбoиx этиx вoлнyющиx coбытияx, чтoбы pacпpocтpaнять мaтepиaлы интepвью и дpyгиe ключeвыe coбытия нa мeждyнapoдныx тeлeвизиoнныx и мeдиa-кaнaлax.

Гeнepaльный диpeктop Джим Пpeйccлep пpoкoммeнтиpoвaл зaпycк: «Mы oчeнь paды oбъявить o зaпycкe нaшeй биpжи Cooбщecтвo c нeтepпeниeм ждeт, пoэтoмy мнe c бoльшим yдoвoльcтвиeм oбъявляют, чтo мы, нaкoнeц, нaчнeм 17 июля. Пepвoнaчaльнo этo бyдeт шaxмaтный cтapт нa 1000 чeлoвeк, a бyдyщиe клиeнты бyдyт нaxoдитьcя нa бopтy в пocлeдyющиe дни .

« Cлeдyя вepcии нaшeй биpжи BETA, гдe избpaнныe yчacтники тecтиpoвaли плaтфopмy, мы yвepeны, чтo мы бyдeм yдoвлeтвopять тpeбoвaниям, излoжeнным нaми нaшим cooбщecтвoм, и бyдeм paды пoдeлитьcя ycпexaми нaшeй пpeдcтoящeй oфициaльнoй биpжи. »

Пepвыe cчacтливыe 1000 чeлoвeк, чтoбы иcпытaть плaтфopмy, cвяжyтcя пo элeктpoннoй пoчтe в дни пepeд зaпycкoм.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Greetings devs!
I think this project is very interesting and cool. Able to recognize activity, very nice job, seamless results.
Activity: 350
Merit: 10 is thrilled to announce that they have teamed up with ViewFin, the creator of Metaverse; China’s first public blockchain, based on the PoW consensus mechanism.

As part of this partnership, Metaverse’s token, ETP, will be listed on this crypto exchange as they begin adding more ICO client tokens in the upcoming few months. In addition, its aim to work closely with ViewFin to help list a number of Metaverse tokens on this exchange.

ViewFin has a strong investor network that will correlate in’s recently launched, highly attractive Angel Investor, Institutional and Seed & Venture Programs. Additionally, since its launch in 2014, ViewFin has built a wide network of partners, media outlets and event organizers. This substantial network will no doubt complement it's already successful line-up of highly esteemed individuals, which will help to gain the required access to mainland China.

They will collaborate with Metaverse across a variety of sectors including trading, investment banking, compliance, and risk management, given ViewFin’s success in attracting and nurturing local and international talent, and facilitating innovation for sustainable growth.

How will the community benefit from Metaverse?

The collaboration of companies will expose to a number of Metaverse engineers who can provide technical assistance for the creation of digital assets, digital identities, built-in smart contracts, as well as the issuance of tokens on the Metaverse blockchain.

ViewFin will also create Metaverse Smart Tokens for it's clients and facilitate the listing of such tokens on partner exchanges.

Both firms are on the path to ensuring their clients are fully educated about blockchain technology and its benefits on consumers. On this,’s Managing Director of Research & Business Development John Patrick Mullin, commented “We will work closely with them on educational meetups, events and conferences to create a strong community in Shanghai, Hong Kong and South East Asia in the near future.”

So if you still not registered this exchange, than you are missing great thing which is lying just infront of your eyes!! Still there is a chance to keep your name in top 1000 who is going to test this platform as a beta tester before going to live for the masses.

Thank you.

With regards,
Manoj Kumar Ram
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
100 XRR has arrived. and waitting for the next Zerocoin, hellofriend,.... TIO can get the top price before (1.4$)
there is not much different between free airdrop for TIO holder.
i recieve 312 XRR. is this token will be listed on tradeio exchange?
I think all vetted ICOs' token will be gradually listed on our Exchange.
I've also searched for XRR listing info:

XChangeRate Overview (MaTa):
full member
Activity: 645
Merit: 106
hurry up to join the exchange
On occasion before lounching exchange there will be 1000 first persons will get luck. This is a very good thing in my opinion. Because really matter to the customers of the market.
sr. member
Activity: 700
Merit: 254
The learning material is quite well structured. Very good technical knowledge on the overall field. I will come back for more.
I know it is a very hard time for all the ecosystem, but these are the times in which people should consider investing (cheap). I'd suggest to spread more the voice about TIO and its benefits.
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
Come on TIO, make some exhibitions, let more people curious and find that you will be hugee!!

Agreed. Need more events, more photos and videos from meetups and conferences! More hype, more show, more activity in physical world Smiley
Activity: 280
Merit: 10
Fast, Smart, Trustworthy

Everyone can join and learn more here

I think, Education World cryptocurrency will be increasingly needed either way how investing or trading. Young people now in many parts of the world who know the internet world. Even older teens. but their understanding was limited to basic only. I believe if from now on begin learning basic business crypto then they after graduate will have no trouble in finding employment.

Yes, I think young people are now very unemployed, which is about to become a serious social problem, and many young people don’t like to learn. They don’t even know how to invest.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
Come on TIO, make some exhibitions, let more people curious and find that you will be hugee!!
Activity: 60
Merit: 0
Have been waiting for this in a long time. Nobody should miss out on this ICO.
My tracknet is getting a lot of coverage in the media recently.

jr. member
Activity: 168
Merit: 1 has partnered with ViewFin, creator of Metaverse; China's first public blockchain. This will help the TIO be known to Chinese investors more.
full member
Activity: 406
Merit: 100
I do not quite understand why the project is developing quite successfully and is gaining more and more turns, but the price of the token remains the same or grows a minimum. Is this a market trend? I hope for the soonest turn of the market so that everything goes up..
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