Laggy you say? When wolf of Wall Street guys were having drugs on board to keep their mind alerted at all times for until the last digit on trade screen that hit me very hard man. While trading large numbers of trades at the same time with handsome amount of money you can’t go laggy. Even with the slightest blink of an eye at right time of sell or buy could bring things down in trading. Well this is for day trading. In fact in case of crypto currencies it’s even harder since the market is way way volatile. Anyone getting into trading should treat it as most important part of their job.
Using drugs only to make you alert is bad because drugs has some side effects but there are still other safer way like drinking a cup of strong coffee for example. In trading, we have crypto bots and that can help you automate the process. That way there is no need for us to monitor our screens 24/7. Why not use them instead? Cryptocurencies are more volatile but it's also more profitable.
This is why many traders starting to like cryptos and they are now transferring here. Trading should be treated like a job because our hard earned money is at risk here and I think none of us like it when they lose, although losing is part of the game.
I agree we should avoid using drugs, because the effects of drug addiction will make our lives messy. There are many ways to make us more
able to concentrate, drinking coffee can be a good alternative, although drinking coffee in excess is not good too. Therefore I suggest drinking
green tea that can make our minds calmer and can make good decisions. And most importantly don't forget to eat nutritious food and be diligent
in exercising, it greatly affects our concentration when trading. A healthy body allows us to think more critically when trading.
Then the use of trading bots I prefer to avoid it, because several times I used trading bots the results did not meet my expectations. However
trading bots have some drawbacks, so I prefer manual trading for now. Moreover, monitoring the market can be done anywhere using our
smartphones, so we can still do other activities. Then when trading we must be willing to suffer losses, because as you said losses are part of trading.
Even professional traders who make trading their main job still suffer losses, because they cannot avoid losses, what we can do is minimize losses.
If we absolutely do not want to lose, it means trading is not suitable for you.