Differences: majority of muslims are the same as any other religious group - denouncing violence, accepting cultural/religious differences, partaking in vice (sex, alcohol, tobacco, etc.). Radicals are created through brainwashing the poor/uneducated/desperate - all these mid-east terror groups? Their masterminds bang hookers in Bahrain, take drugs, and all sorts of other 'haram' shit that their loyal minions would behead someone over. The quickest comparison I can think of is the 700 club - even ignoring the fact they beg for money every thirty seconds - consider what 'values' they preach, as that old fart's (who never talks with his eyes open, don't want to bother searching his name) involvement in the blood diamond trade.
The only reason everyone is so worked up over violence caused by muslims, is because it's a great incentive for political powers to keep pumping oil and harvesting opium. CHA-CHING!
So here we go with the good old "moral equivalency" gambit. No, the 700 club isn't morally equivalent or comparable to the radical muslims. Let me know next time there's a couple of good old fashioned beheadings on the 700 club, will you?