How does it work?
Every time a block is found, 1% of the block goes back to the pool, the redistribution is as follows:
User1 registers on his own, his part of the 1% fee goes to the pool and is redistributed to anyone via the weekly jackpot.
User2 registers using the link of User1, his part of the 1% fee goes to User1.
User3 registers using the link of User2, his part of the 1% fee goes to User2, nothing goes to User1
User4 registers using the link of User3, his part of the 1% fee goes to User3, nothing goes to User1 or User2
There is no limit to the amount of users that can be part of your minipool.
Conclusion: There is no downside to joining someone else's minipool, while you have a lot to gain from starting your own minipool!
PS: This system lacks all the required items needed to be called a pyramid scheme, since there is no-one at the top, and the top layer has no advantage over the bottom layer.
PS2: It is strange that there is so much fuss about a 1% block fee redistributed to the pool, it seems that some of you would like the pool to keep that fee, full stop.
It is amazing how much people resist this pool...The intelligence of the user base here is less than impressive.