
Topic: TRIVIA: THOMAS NASAKIOTO (Read 1443 times)

Activity: 1022
Merit: 1001
April 29, 2014, 09:28:38 AM
Quick note to understand before looking at the meaning inside the hidden meaning.  iXcoin is an exact twin, a technological twin of Bitcoin - the only difference is the 21 million coins [for iXcoin] were printed in fast forward so by 9/2014 all 21 million coins, and thus more liquidity, will be completed compared to 2033 for Bitcoin.

Also, Thomas Nasakioto is an exact Twin, an anagram of The name Satoshi Nakamoto.  

So twice we have the important use of twin [name and technology] for iXcoin as it pertains to Bitcoin.

Now, the hidden meaning inside Thomas Nasakioto:

The Following was uncovered via Vlad2Vlad, last year [2013]:

Thomas in Aramaic means:  Twin

Nasa' in Aramaic means:  "To lift up" or "to Anoint"

Kioto backwards is Otoik.

Otoik in Greek means:  Colonies or Colonists.

Add it all together and you get:  The Twin to Lift up the Colonies [Colonists].

So you decide, are these hidden meanings a mere accident or a game, or do they mean something.  

And if they mean something, then which of the 2 hidden meanings seems more powerful and global to you:

Sorry, but I dont see it dude. Not anywhere.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 27, 2014, 12:13:50 AM


Your argument regarding your old PM to Thomas also rings true.  It would take too much planning to purposely send a PM 3 years ahead of time.  Nobody does that.

I for one believe you.

As for iXcoin, thanks for trying to be understanding but I truly think you're misunderstanding me and the amount of thought and sheer Research Hours I have put into iXcoin [and alt coin research in general].

I'm not a newbie investor, I invested in stocks [actively]  for over 20 years before I found Bitcoin. And what you're explaining is in fact what happens to people when they first start investing and it takes years to actually get better; a painful experience which costs you everything [several times over] by which time 9 out of 10 people give up which is why you don't find many good seasoned individual investors. 

And I don't mean the guys who buy Coca Cola and sit on it 40 years, there's little to be learned from passive investing.  For some reason I always preferred new high tech company stocks which carried massive risk and required a lot of knowledge and experience which I lacked for a long time.

And yes, people buy a stock (or a coin) and they [INSTANTLY] fall in love with it and then confirmation bias takes over and they lie to themselves [again and again, for years on end] cause they can't admit they're wrong and they don't want the dream to end.

It's a very real and very common investing psychological phenomenon and I too suffered from it and lost a lot of money during my first few years.  To become a good investor you have to learn to detach yourself from your money and to constantly reanalyze your position and if the premise or the fundamentals change then you have to be able to cut it loose and eat your losses and move on.

As easy as that sounds it's an incredibly difficult discipline to master but once your learn to do it you become a much, much better investor because you can finally make objective decisions.  I have [multiple times] cut my losses, heavy losses, on stocks and a few times with coins (days ago I sold and took a loss on ZET) so I know I have learned a valuable lesson and I do not fall in love with my investments [anymore].

But your accusations reflect exactly what happens to newbie investors and I do see it all the time here and those people will most likely lose it all and if they don't it's sheer dumb luck or [accidental] good timing.

All that said, if you read my posts from last year, I FIRST carefully and objectively researched all the alts, looking for Bitcoin 2.0 and I was open to the possibility it didn't exist.  AFTER I found iXcoin and I looked at it from all the angles; it was at that point that I determined iXcoin was the best possible Bitcoin 2.0 [for logical reasons i have clearly stated on many occasions] and that's when I started buying heavily into iXcoin, AFTER lots of careful objective research and NOT after I fell in love with it. 

It was a pure objective investment decision
Then, AFTER I was already heavily invested and I was growing tired of all the absurd baseless criticism I took a much harder look at iXcoin after getting a powerful "hunch" that there was a hidden meaning buried inside.

And sure enough, there it was:  The Twin To Lift up The Colonies.

If you read my riddle thread you will see that I break down how I found that hidden message and one could easily google the same words I did and get the same meaning.

The fact you think I just made this up tells me you didn't even read my posts or you're now bating me which would make you very disingenuous.

The only thing you can say about this hidden message is that it's an accident or a planted joke:  YOU can NOT; however, say it's not there or that I made it up.

Because just like you and the whole community had no problem accepting the hidden message in Bitcoin's Satoshi Nakamoto, I find it biased and unprofessional to not be open to another possible hidden message in another coin, which BTW, was launched not long after Bitcoin.

Afterall, the hidden message I found is just as easy to prove as Bitcoin's:  Clearly Thinking Inside the Foundation.

So why have you [nor any other single individual] NEVER mocked or called the Bitcoin hidden message [a lie or a joke] yet you [and others] keep mocking the hidden [iXcoin] message I found which cannot be disputed:  It is there, in black and white, as clear as Bitcoin's hidden message, only more significant and potentially much more meaningful.

So I'm not sure why you're still hostile toward me and toward iXcoin when at the very least, all of my thousands of hours of hard work should at the very least encourage you to at least diversify and buy just $100 worth of IXC.  What difference will $100 make to anyone, but imagine if I'm right, the potential profits from just $100 could be life changing.

Take the risk, Oldminer, it's worth it.
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1001
April 26, 2014, 10:02:07 PM

Anyone can send a PM to their own Sock Puppet.

That said, I'm inclined to believe you're NOT Thomas, not because of that old PM though, but because your reason for disliking me sounds honest.

Now, allow me to convert you.

First, the OP is not me, that's not my style, I have a LOT more to say.  lol.

I don't have a sock puppet I haven't already outed the day I made it (ie. IXC2XIC).

Secondly, I have never made the dev himself out to be anything, and I even said Thomas was probably just a contractor and he doesn't really know what's going on.

There are 2 different things to support my theory for IXC being the next Bitcoin.

The first is the logic behind iXcoin being a low risk proven technology, tried and tested [for years] without any updates. This tech is a twin of Bitcoin and from a mass market perspective it would be the easiest alt to sell to the masses.  It's as simple as that - an easy coin to sell to everyone, easy to add all the latest features and tested code which is also ultra secure.

You don't have to agree with this, you can argue people are tech savvy today and they will understand the tech behind a new alt coin just fine so a new alt with many new features will win (even though IXC will have all those same new features plus ultra security [which few coins have] as well).

But what you can't Deny, nor argue the hidden meanings inside Bitcoin's Satoshi Nakamoto and especially the profound hidden meanings I found buried inside iXcoin's Thomas Nasakioto.

Do you really expect any rational human being living in a world full of secret courts and hidden agendas to not at least suspect something when faced with the following hidden messages:

[Bitcoin's]  Satoshi Nakamoto: Thinking Clearly inside the Foundation.

[iXcoin's]  Thomas Nasakioto:  The Twin to Lift up the Colonies.

Do you honestly expect people to pretend these hidden meanings are purely accidental?  Seriously?

There are roughly 500 alts out there right now, just as I predicted a year ago when we had 12.  I have looked and I urge you to look as well and find just one other alt coin with such meaningful and ACCIDENTAL hidden messages.

I promise you, you won't find any.  I know.  I looked.

So believe what you want, it's your money, but for me, I have done well (as have all those who believed me and followed me) following my line of logic and discovery of these hidden messages.

There is always a remote chance these hidden meanings are purely accidental or someone's idea of a joke but I firmly believe the odds are much greater [taking into account all the things I have discovered] that iXcoin was designed and preplanned for something great.

I have put all my money in one basket, iXcoin. So if you're still upset about what I'm doing, find some pleasure in knowing that if I'm lying to myself I will pay for it dearly.

I hope you see what's really going on here.  Either way, thanks for letting me know how you feel and good luck to you.


Vlad  [The iXcoin Dude] ...(haha)

(from pastebin -
Thomas Nasakioto in Aramaic and Greek means:  The Twin To Lift up The Colonies.
What are the odds of that???

Bwahahahahahahaha...I'm sorry, but where?? Dude, there is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING anywhere on the whole internet that suggests this meaning except where YOU have claimed it. Seriously...
(from pastebin)
About 2 months ago some newbies show up and made new logos and new wallets and a great new website ( For free! Who does that???

Err..just like everybody does. Its the 'flavour of the month' to resurrect old dead coins. Dude, you are so grasping at straws.

As for you not accepting my 'proof' that I am not Thomas Nasakioto on face value, ask yourself this - why did I not provide this proof when the original claim was made 3 years ago? I'll tell you why, because I was not interested in conclusively trying to prove the claim was false, at the time, and in fact took pleasure in watching those idiots claim it was true. Plus, at the time, it actually publicised the coin. So, if my intent was to deceive all along (by sending a PM to a sock puppet as proof) - why would I wait 3 years to submit it as proof, rather than wait until now?

Honestly dude, I wish you well in your endeavors. I understand you have invested a lot in this 'resurrection' and I know what its like for such an endeavour to fail (remember, I was also behind the first surrection). But this stuff is nothing but voodoo bordering on farcical. Its like watching someone try and breath life into a cabbage patch doll lol
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 26, 2014, 02:04:31 AM

Anyone can send a PM to their own Sock Puppet.

That said, I'm inclined to believe you're NOT Thomas, not because of that old PM though, but because your reason for disliking me sounds honest.

Now, allow me to convert you.

First, the OP is not me, that's not my style, I have a LOT more to say.  lol.

I don't have a sock puppet I haven't already outed the day I made it (ie. IXC2XIC).

Secondly, I have never made the dev himself out to be anything, and I even said Thomas was probably just a contractor and he doesn't really know what's going on.

There are 2 different things to support my theory for IXC being the next Bitcoin.

The first is the logic behind iXcoin being a low risk proven technology, tried and tested [for years] without any updates. This tech is a twin of Bitcoin and from a mass market perspective it would be the easiest alt to sell to the masses.  It's as simple as that - an easy coin to sell to everyone, easy to add all the latest features and tested code which is also ultra secure.

You don't have to agree with this, you can argue people are tech savvy today and they will understand the tech behind a new alt coin just fine so a new alt with many new features will win (even though IXC will have all those same new features plus ultra security [which few coins have] as well).

But what you can't Deny, nor argue the hidden meanings inside Bitcoin's Satoshi Nakamoto and especially the profound hidden meanings I found buried inside iXcoin's Thomas Nasakioto.

Do you really expect any rational human being living in a world full of secret courts and hidden agendas to not at least suspect something when faced with the following hidden messages:

[Bitcoin's]  Satoshi Nakamoto: Thinking Clearly inside the Foundation.

[iXcoin's]  Thomas Nasakioto:  The Twin to Lift up the Colonies.

Do you honestly expect people to pretend these hidden meanings are purely accidental?  Seriously?

There are roughly 500 alts out there right now, just as I predicted a year ago when we had 12.  I have looked and I urge you to look as well and find just one other alt coin with such meaningful and ACCIDENTAL hidden messages.

I promise you, you won't find any.  I know.  I looked.

So believe what you want, it's your money, but for me, I have done well (as have all those who believed me and followed me) following my line of logic and discovery of these hidden messages.

There is always a remote chance these hidden meanings are purely accidental or someone's idea of a joke but I firmly believe the odds are much greater [taking into account all the things I have discovered] that iXcoin was designed and preplanned for something great.

I have put all my money in one basket, iXcoin. So if you're still upset about what I'm doing, find some pleasure in knowing that if I'm lying to myself I will pay for it dearly.

I hope you see what's really going on here.  Either way, thanks for letting me know how you feel and good luck to you.


Vlad  [The iXcoin Dude] ...(haha)

Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 26, 2014, 01:31:48 AM
Unless Baritus caves, which I doubt, DGC is going much lower.

We all know Baritus can't show an address, that would kill his story.

Yeah, and I think BCX is a rational logical guy which means his theory is solid which means DGC is gonna get killed.

But it won't be permanent, they'll fix it up just fine. The community and namebrand is worth the work to revive it.  That's the cool thing about dead coins, you can buy them up then resurrect them.

Pretty unbelievable Baritus could so foolish when he's got so much going for him; and it's just beginning (the crypto boom).

So many short sighted devs, robbing people when they stand to make millions over the next few years if they only maintain a solid reputation.  If you can't do it for moral reasons then maintain a good rep cause it's probably gonna pay off in spades.

Well, I for one would start buying DGC under 1,000, unless you think it's gonna keep dropping past that point.
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1001
April 26, 2014, 01:09:55 AM


You attacked me a few months ago, in a personal and angry way.

Very odd for a guy I've never ran across, no?

For me that was proof you've got an alternate ID (or more) and one of them I have dealt with and I have, in some way, hurt you or pissed you off.

And I can't think of what would piss me off more than some a-hole coming in with a few grand and a big mouth and hi-jacking my coin from me.

Cause let's face it, that's what I did with iXcoin.

Just keep in mind, as angry as I was with Thomas, for the whole premine - bounty thing, I did my best to keep his name Alive as the real dev and iXcoin as well.

So if you are Thomas, then you should be thanking me. Unless of course, there was some bigger plan to keep IXC forgotten and near death until September of this year.

In that case, I'm a fly in the ointment and I had no idea so don't blame me.

Well, actually, I had a pretty good idea.  So yeah, blame me, afterall.

Hey there vlad,

nice attempt again at trying to revive ixcoin (I suspect you know the OP and asked him to start this pointless thread - either that or the OP is one of your alts) but to clarify, I wasnt angry with you personally, but more pissed that someone would try and promote ixcoin like it was always meant to be the next bitcoin Roll Eyes and that you tried to portray Thomas as the second coming of christ. Neither of which are true. I suspect the truth is much simpler, in that Thomas Nasakioto was deliberately created as an anagram of Satoshi Nakomoto for no other reason than to make it so. Remember, when ixcoin was released there were no other altcoins in existence. 'Thomas' probably made his name up for the sake of anonymity.

No, ixcoin is not the next bitcoin. If that was intended to be the case, Thomas would never have disappeared like he did. No, there's no 'mystery' around ixcoin, its origins, its 'dev' - nothing. The coin died at the time due to basic human nature. In a word, its called 'greed'. As is the case now, back in 2011 the main focus of people here was not what they could do with the coin, but what the coin could do for them. They wanted something they could 'pump & dump' with no pre-mine (they didnt want the coin dev having a greater share of coins than any of them had) and so they created i0coin amongst themselves, which they then proceeded to pump & dump into oblivion. Meanwhile ixcoin (which I suspect would have had good support from Thomas) was shunned, the forums 'Thomas' set up died, and ixcoin 'died' too. Its quite a simple tale, with no mystery surrounding it.

So by all means, continue to promote ixcoin but please, stop spamming this shit about ixcoin being the 'born again' Bitcoin that was destined for greatness, and that because Sagittarius is in Leo on the 6th of June 2666, it is so. Its simply not true. In my view its just another coin.

And to put all these silly claims to rest (finally) about me being an alt of Thomas Nasakioto I'll leave you with this screenshot of a PM I sent him back in August 2011.

Let it rest too  Grin

Activity: 1876
Merit: 1000
April 26, 2014, 01:03:17 AM
Unless Baritus caves, which I doubt, DGC is going much lower.

We all know Baritus can't show an address, that would kill his story.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 26, 2014, 12:43:15 AM


Wow BC, I would have given you more credit...

No, suffice to say, I'm not aka TN, Atlas, Humphrey Bogart, or Humpty Dumpty. I only use the one username but hey do continue with the false assumptions..I find it quite amusing lol

Hey don't take that the wrong way, I'm an Atlas fan as well as think TN was an early innovator coming up with the first premine attempt.


Early innovator with a premine *feature*?

Ahahaaa.  That's good.  Nevermind what I said about features before, features are priority number 1.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 26, 2014, 12:40:19 AM

Shouldn't you be killing some coin?  lol, I wish I could, I'd be killing coins daily.  Haha, and getting medals from the community.

Yes indeed, I have a special party planned for those Digitalcoin bastards in the few days.

I just tested a 1 gig burst a little earlier today.


Damn I am a dgc bagholder.....

Dump, Kelsey dear, dump.  I did.

Unless Baritus caves, which I doubt, DGC is going much lower.

I'm hoping to buy DGC sub 1,000.  That would be an unreal deal.

Come on BCX, you can do it!  Haha.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 26, 2014, 12:38:04 AM


You attacked me a few months ago, in a personal and angry way.

Very odd for a guy I've never ran across, no?

For me that was proof you've got an alternate ID (or more) and one of them I have dealt with and I have, in some way, hurt you or pissed you off.

And I can't think of what would piss me off more than some a-hole coming in with a few grand and a big mouth and hi-jacking my coin from me.

Cause let's face it, that's what I did with iXcoin.

Just keep in mind, as angry as I was with Thomas, for the whole premine - bounty thing, I did my best to keep his name Alive as the real dev and iXcoin as well.

So if you are Thomas, then you should be thanking me. Unless of course, there was some bigger plan to keep IXC forgotten and near death until September of this year.

In that case, I'm a fly in the ointment and I had no idea so don't blame me.

Well, actually, I had a pretty good idea.  So yeah, blame me, afterall.
Activity: 1876
Merit: 1000
April 26, 2014, 12:32:34 AM

Shouldn't you be killing some coin?  lol, I wish I could, I'd be killing coins daily.  Haha, and getting medals from the community.

Yes indeed, I have a special party planned for those Digitalcoin bastards in the few days.

I just tested a 1 gig burst a little earlier today.


Damn I am a dgc bagholder.....
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1001
April 26, 2014, 12:29:39 AM
Oh my...not this again...  Roll Eyes

THOMAS NASAKIOTO  -> Ellusive developer of iXcoin ( early 2011 )

(jumble the letters around)

SATOSHI NAKAMOTO -> Ellusive developer of bitcoin ( early 2009 )

Welcome to 2011. He's also an alt of the user Oldminer.

I see your still stuck in some sort of timewarp

Seriously OT, give it up guy.

TC and I are not the 2014 newbies.

Thomas Nasakioto is Olminer as well very likely being Atlas.

Atlas was cool in his own way, RIP Atlas.



Wow BC, I would have given you more credit...

No, suffice to say, I'm not aka TN, Atlas, Humphrey Bogart, or Humpty Dumpty. I only use the one username but hey do continue with the false assumptions..I find it quite amusing lol
Activity: 1876
Merit: 1000
April 26, 2014, 12:24:57 AM
Oh my...not this again...  Roll Eyes

THOMAS NASAKIOTO  -> Ellusive developer of iXcoin ( early 2011 )

(jumble the letters around)

SATOSHI NAKAMOTO -> Ellusive developer of bitcoin ( early 2009 )

Welcome to 2011. He's also an alt of the user Oldminer.

I see your still stuck in some sort of timewarp

ol scam bustin Tomatocage probably like to be timewarped as he'd have his work cut out for him lately.......this sections like 90% scamartists Sad
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1001
April 26, 2014, 12:07:17 AM
Oh my...not this again...  Roll Eyes

THOMAS NASAKIOTO  -> Ellusive developer of iXcoin ( early 2011 )

(jumble the letters around)

SATOSHI NAKAMOTO -> Ellusive developer of bitcoin ( early 2009 )

Welcome to 2011. He's also an alt of the user Oldminer.

I see your still stuck in some sort of timewarp
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 25, 2014, 11:55:28 PM
Shouldn't you be killing some coin?  lol, I wish I could, I'd be killing coins daily.  Haha, and getting medals from the community.
Yes indeed, I have a special party planned for those Digitalcoin bastards in the few days.

I just tested a 1 gig burst a little earlier today.
What happened to the Auroracoin attack?

Read the first page of this for the Auroracoin info

The lead AUR developer Nite69 and the coin creator Balduro openly admitted the attack was real after it was determined I was dialing it up enough to create noticeable disruption to their chain after a two week slow build. With AUR chain being only hours away from being killed, let's just say we worked out a resolution that resulted in the coin not being destroyed. After two weeks of denying the AUR attack was building it couldn't be ignored. Time warp is a very slow attack that takes a while to build but is basically unstoppable if deployed with the right skill and nethash.

Yesterday I deployed the first phase of a timewarp on DGC with a 1ghs burst. I estimate it will take about 17 days to be able to overtake the main chain at which time I will completely annihilate the blockchain with everything I can throw at it. The end goal will be complete destruction of the DGC network. The only thing that will save DGC is the posting of the stolen wallet addresses. Baritus has chosen to do this the hard way.



I want.  I want.  I want.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 25, 2014, 09:09:06 PM

What happened to the DGC attack?

I sold my 10k DGC in a hurry [at a loss] and the price is barely lower today.

I expected a price collapse on news of a hard fork.

BCX, you need to be a dependable, reliable [Crypto] Hitman.  We can send all the murdered coins to my website.  Haha.  

lol, or give me access to a few miners and I'll show you how to run, what I'm gonna call [a proper] "blood pool".
hero member
Activity: 968
Merit: 547
April 25, 2014, 05:52:10 PM
Shouldn't you be killing some coin?  lol, I wish I could, I'd be killing coins daily.  Haha, and getting medals from the community.
Yes indeed, I have a special party planned for those Digitalcoin bastards in the few days.

I just tested a 1 gig burst a little earlier today.
What happened to the Auroracoin attack?
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 25, 2014, 01:32:27 AM

No wait, I have 10,000 Digital coins.

Dumping NOW!

Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 25, 2014, 01:14:24 AM

Shouldn't you be killing some coin?  lol, I wish I could, I'd be killing coins daily.  Haha, and getting medals from the community.

Yes indeed, I have a special party planned for those Digitalcoin bastards in the few days.

I just tested a 1 gig burst a little earlier today.




He was always pretty arrogant.  Man, if IXC takes off I hope to build a mining farm and I will definitely join you on these coin killing sprees.

There's too many anyway - time to clean up.  Haha!
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
April 25, 2014, 01:04:29 AM

Relax I don't have anything against IXC, just contributing to the trivia, that's all.


No worries man, I've always liked you. 

Shouldn't you be killing some coin?  lol, I wish I could, I'd be killing coins daily.  Haha, and getting medals from the community.

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