Can i exchange 2000 token to tpg?
Can tpg mined? Other to yobit what is another site i can learn tpg? (Because on yobit i'm banned if i write tillkoeln or another keyword).
on the actual stage there is no sense to swap These low ammounts Manual ..
anything below 1 milllion token / scan has to wait for the automatic swap scripts on the Homepage.
sorry dude...
I've been waiting for the scripts too, to exchange tkn and scan for tpg.........did i miss it? Please point me to where I can swap; thanks!
first TKN is not TOKEN
scripts take a bit longer.
Manual swaps are possible ..but min 1 Million coins on SCAN/Token
Ponzi/Ponz2 min 15k
Do I understand correctly, to exchange SCAN & TOKEN should be sent not less than 1mil coins?
And where do we get so many? I have in my wallet just SCAM 55869 & 142000 TOKEN!
Wallet TOKEN gives about 6 tons of coins a day and even gives SCAN 0.01 coins, but often. (How can we make the coins in his wallet fell less often, but more values? In recent years, the coins fall often, but falls below 100 coins at a time.) In Trollpalment almost do not participate, since I'm not an Englishman and Yuobit bans, and Allcurex I participated, but did not get anything. By the way for the signature you also promised the coin, but I did not get anything.