Here's mine (on Windows. In linux I had to set DEVICE to 1), for a 5850:
phoenix -u blahblahblah DEVICE=0 VECTORS AGGRESSION=11 WORKSIZE=128 BFI_INT
./ -u http://username:[email protected]:8332 -k poclbm VECTORS FASTLOOP BFI_INT PLATFORM=0 DEVICE=1 AGRESSION=8 WORKSIZE=128
Note that these are the last settings I tried. I have adjusted AGRESSION (8 to 13) while having WORKSIZE=64 and WORKSIZE=128 with little effect on the hash rate (and removed the FASTLOOP parameter for AGRESSIONS above 8 after trying them all with the FASTLOOP parameter)
I don't know if this is odd or not but if I put an invalid device id it then shows:
- AMD Athlont(tm) II x2 245 Processor [1] Cypress