My number one thing now is crypto staking on many different exchangers and self custody wallets stablecoins and altcoins.
This is not the only option yes the market of crypto is volatile, and you can make a quick flip with your earnings, but you can get outside world there are alot of opportunities that makes you earn more like business, real-state, etc. this business can generate you more money even you are sleeping once you have money enough you can make your asset in crypto sleeps, sometimes extra effort requires to achieve the next milestone in your life. Make a money circulation or good cashflow so you can now sleep well while generating money.
Uhmm, yes, what you have said is true and more profitable and can generate more money than investing or staking crypto currency, but based on OP, it is the thing that makes him money or he keeps earning money even while sleeping. We all have different ways to earn money, and for OP, crypto currency is suitable for him, but of course, for others, earning a lot or becoming wealthy when they are doing businesses, and true business is one of suitable for him, but of course, for others, earning a lot or becoming wealthy when they are doing businesses, and true business is one of the most efficient ways if you want to become too successful and generate a lot of money, but on the contrary, it is also risky, like crypto currency, because if not handled correctly, you can go bankrupt. In conclusion, different people have different ways of considering themselves wealthy. For some, having a luxurious life is wealth, but for others, having a sufficient way of living and providing what is needed and necessary is wealth.