Similar policies exist in most of the world nations, and why the Americans should be the exception? American workers should be given the preference for work inside the United States. The US can't be charitable to the rest of the world, when the reverse is not true.
Agree.that we deserve the same as everyone else, and charity starts at home. But the fact of the matter is we don't have the infrastructure to produce alot of the shit we make, because we don't have access to cheap factory labor like China, and the lack of regulation over there lowers operating costs, making for cheap, exportable products. We won't be able to afford our own products if we switch over to purely American product sourcing lines. And given the amount of infrastructure Trump is planning to build, do we have the production capacity to accommodate this new strategy? Hire American, I have no complaints against. Fucking right, hire American. It's America. But buy American, not so inspired, in my eyes.
For an experiment, check something out for me. Wait for peaches and plums to come in this season, in supermarkets. The lack of immigrants crossing the border now, and this terrible, terrible growing season (we still haven't planted this year) will make this produce expensive as all get out. Mark my words. And this will be alot of other crops as well, ESP the Cali fruit crops and organic veggies. I'm all for change, but there are consequences.
All that labor intensive hydro lettuce grown in greenhouses? Harvested by immigrants, and highly perishable.
Tomatoes too.