Not sure that's lying, more just like the way he is.
I don't know. I still think my explanation above is plausible, but I can certainly concede that it might just be that the rise of social media and 24 hours news culture has created a climate where people such as Trump (or in the UK the eerily similar Boris Johnson) will just rise to the top. I don't think either Trump or Johnson is particularly intelligent, so perhaps it's not all orchestrated and we are in fact in an era where the ego-maniac attention-seeking bullshitting sociopaths reign supreme.
The old saying is that we get the politicians we deserve; perhaps it is true that the society we have created is one where these people represent the pinnacle, as horrific as is sounds.
(re bolded) Unrelated to this thread, last couple weeks I have been wondering about the extent of structural modifications to cultural and social discourse that may occur as a result of the sort of things that twitter does. Seems to be mostly changes in bad directions...
RE (I don't think either Trump or Johnson is particularly intelligent) my opinion of Trump is sort of he's like a near-autistic high level genius. That would explain poor social skills and high achievement. I have worked with several people who were similar, that's why I put it this way.
What's important is how intelligent Trump's team thinks he is. We know what the Dems think, already... that he is a worthy opponent, no matter his intelligence. That's why they fight him so hard. He (and his team) are destroying the things they (the Dems) have so determinedly built for decades.