alright time for me to get serious about this i guess.
Trump is a horrible human being. he has raped numerous women and paid them off to shut up.
Provide proof of this, otherwise I will accuse you of being a horrible human being for lying. You can't just judge people without proof, because that makes you worse than the person you are judging.
please look this up
Latest trump rape case file most recently last month. he has openly stated that he has sexually assaulted women.
I did not hear about this. Provide proof, otherwise I think you are a liar, because I've seen some of
your other cited references and they are hearsay and mass media propaganda bullshit, not proof.
please read this and do some of your own research for once
Trump and sexual assaulthe is the biggest xenophobe i have ever seen on TV and i have watched every episode of southpark.
Protecting one's culture is not necessarily a bad thing. Look what is happening to Europe now with the rapefugees because of their bleeding hearts.
My read on Trump is he has a lot of compassion for all demographics who are abiding by and protecting our core American values. Sneaking over the border is not one of our core values. Maybe for you as a Liberal, you don't give a fuck about rapefugees, so in that case I think you should live in the country you want to live in and I should live in the country I want to live in.
And the USA is going to break up into regions because of this. There are fundamental differences between those who want to protect their culture and those Liberals who want to destroy our culture. Martin Armstrong's cycles models have been predicting everything that has been happening and they do predict an eventual breakup of the USA into regions because of this. There is nothing you nor I can do to stop this. The disagreement between you and I is fundamental and I will never agree as a man and leader of my household to give up my culture to invaders.
protecting his culture? Frederick Trump (donald grandfather) was a German-born American businessman
"lot of compassion for all demographics who are abiding by and protecting our core American values""the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed."
"When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others."
"The Mexican legal system is corrupt, as is much of Mexico. Pay me the money that is owed me now - and stop sending criminals over our border"
"Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S."
"The border is wide open for cartels & terrorists. Secure our border now. Build a massive wall & deduct the costs from Mexican foreign aid!"
"How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?" he asked, referring to Carson's life story and his accounts of a history of violent outbursts.
this really goes on and on take your pick.
he inspires hate, he plays off fear. and he will sell Americas soul for Klondike bar.
How much hate has Hillary caused in the Middle East and Europe? She orchestrated the chaos in the Middle East, thus leading to the rapefugees. She orchestrated the chaos in Ukraine. She and her The Economic Hitmen banksters are responsible for women and children having their arms and heads hacked off.
Liberals are disingenuous. You can't compare someone who speaks the frank truth about culture and values, to someone who is responsible for millions of horrific mutilations of women and children.
Hellary is Satan incarnate. And I thus by extension, you are also. Don't you come near me nor my family.
"Provide proof of this, otherwise I will accuse you of being a horrible human being for lying. You can't just judge people without proof, because that makes you worse than the person you are judging."
Clinton, is a bad leader. i dont want her as a president. but the worst she would do is nothing.
Can you really say that to yourself with a straight face? You are either incredibly ignorant of the facts or a fucking liar trying to manipulate the readers with lies.
These are facts. anyone with a brain can make that distiction.
trump has already said that he is fine NUKING another country. which will bring about another cold war.
He is speaking figuratively, not literally. He is just presenting the attitude that we will fight for our values and culture, not that he will actually go nuking any country. Afaik, he has never in his business life done anything that violent. Whereas, Clinton has just canceled the nuclear treaty with Russia. And she is sowing problems in the Middle East where Colin Powell recently confirmed Israel has 200 nuclear warheads.
I am not arguing that Trump has the best personality ever. Every person on earth has flaws. But compared to Clinton, he is a Saint and an angel.
If the United States keeps on its path, its current path of weakness, they’re going to want to have that anyway with or without me discussing it, because I don’t think they feel very secure in what’s going on with our country.”
“At some point, we cannot be the policeman of the world. And unfortunately, we have a nuclear world now,” he later added. that doesnt sound figurative to me.
“But I will never, ever rule it out." doesnt sound figurative
he has no idea what the ramifications are for his actions and doesnt care. he will cause WW3, Clinton will just do nothing to prevent it.
You have your head up your ass. Clinton is actively orchestrating WW3.
please explain this. and how open talk about accepting torture, launching nukes, building walls, and forcing everyone of a single religion on a register, and no this is not hitler we are talking about this is trump.
if trump is elected i am leaving america, if clinton is elected i am going to wait four years till we have options that can make a diffrence.
I am the opposite. If Trump wins, I may return. Else I am never going back and I will renounce my citizenship and may get citizenship in Cambodia (or else where) so I can be a member of the Asian Union which is the future.
so all of these arguments are from someone not in america, who likely wont be voting, who thinks that the asian union is the future.
you know those moments in poker when you are playing, hilary will call all the way through, not raise, not fold, just ride the hand through. Trump will go all in before he sees his cards, if he gets good cards say that he knew it cause he is a genius and walks away with more money. if he gets shit cards he throws the table saying the game is rigged.
at this point i want to call through. instead of lose everything, instead of destroy everything. i would rather wait another 4 years. i do not want someone to gamble to future of america away with no knowledge or care. because not only is he gambling with america. but the entire wold. we are the youngest country. we are also the strongest. and possibly the most retarded country ever. i dont want the rest of the world to realize that and decide to take matters into their own hands because they were pushed to far from trump.
Trump has been out playing poker and negotiation as evident by his business success. Clinton only knows how to lie, steal, cheat, and sell out to the gansters in order to achieve her goals for power and hatred.
NOTICE: we conservative males are angry at you liberal invaders. And we will put an end to this "passive aggressive" invasion now (yet very aggressive eventually when the collapse stage ensues). One way or another. So don't be fucking surprised that we are angry when you are trying to undermine our households and our way of life.
business success like 4 time bankrupcies, an entire university that was a scam, and numerous failed products like Trump airlines, Trump vodka, Trump mortgage, Trump:the game, Trump casino, Trump steak, Trump magazine, or even there are countless ones but i think you get the point.
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