I'm not saying that the terrorists are right or anything, but it seems very short-sighted to want to ban 1.6 billion people from your country because of the actions of a few thousand. I would expect the 1.599 billion who don't want to blow you up wouldn't agree, and some of them might actually decide they do want to blow you up now, for being a dick (not you personally, the West).
Blanket bans tend to have many unforeseen consequences, just look at the drug war. I don't think things are as black & white as you believe.
will it make them dislike us more? possibly, but since we'd be doing our best to keep them out instead of importing millions of them every year, what they think of us from their own countries shouldn't cause us any majors problem
time we all faced the reality that their beliefs are incompatible with ours. we believe in the rule of law and they believe sovereignty belongs to their god. and we aren't talking about 0.1%. most muslims believe in the death penalty for adultery and apostasy and about two fifths believe sharia should apply to non muslims. and if polls are to believed at least 100 million of them support isis. importing millions of savages into your country and giving them free shit so they can breed like rats and outnumber you within 50 years is a stupid idea.