That story has been pushed for months by Newsmax, which is basically a conservative propaganda machine. Its not journalism, its an agenda being masqueraded as journalism.
Really, Im down on the US Dollar, the Fed, Treasury, etc, but the USD is FAR better off than almost every other currency. The problem with our economy comes down to jobs and the fact that most of the money being made is going to fewer and fewer people. Minimum wage (~$8/hour) isnt a working wage, it isnt sustainable. Its one step above slave labor and indentured servitude. a certain point, The People will revolt. Thats the real threat. Bitcoin is part of this threat.
Give this person a fine Cuban cigar wrapped on the thighs of young virgins!
When one adopts all of the identical and self-same, secret and corrupt tools of a corrupted and established-fascist tyranny under the guise of "fighting it" one has already lost the war before it's first battle. After Truman's surrender to Churchill at Potsdam, then Senator LBJ with his re-introduced NDA (DRO '48) capitulated America to London, plunged America into Trotskyite Pentagon-communist tyranny and guaranteed the West's certain, eventual Cold War defeat.
All "government" is "socialism" the two words mean the same thing. The bigger one is, the bigger is the other. The former economy of the former "USA" (once-Republic of Liberty) will not die like that of it's Spanish or Grecian client states, because it has become subsumed to a far greater global imperial-fascist (Tory-Menshevik City of London) bankstering tyranny.
Nobody "won" the Cold War, the East simply acknowledged the insanely demented fanatical futility of it all, first.
The (Tory-Trotskyite) Union of ZioNazi Socialist Republics (UZSR) is now doomed to collapse exactly like it's imperial-fascist twin, the former USSR did. The same way the Tory-Fascist "empires" of England, Rome and Egypt did, when a corrupt elite high-preisthood of a single, totalitarian, established, soullessly-bestial corporate-socialist religionism pervert it's power, sap the strength of all it's people and destroy competitivity in their envious, greedy and violent pursuit of some pie-in-the-sky theocratic dogmatism, based upon "special rights" that they foolishly believe that they alone are "worthy" of .
Communism is simply the modern term for "permanent war". It matters not whether a Tory Caesaropapist-fascist Menshevik pledges his idolatry to a tribal mafia warlord, a Pope, a Mohammed, an ex-prince named thut-Moses, a Marx, a Bolshevik named Lenin, a tin-pot N Korean fascist or the Chairman of a private boardroom-socialist Federal Reserve Printing Company.
There can be no such thing as a "faith" without the FREEDOM to choose, or not to choose one!
This "Final Battle" is not about the nature of the "money" that represents all of the good fruits of all of our constructive human labours, it's about just who "owns" it, and by extension, them.
It's about the corrupt crimes, frauds, debts and hatreds that represent the vile, all destructive perversion and all repulsive enslavement of us all by those all-divisive fanatics who claim to own us, through their instrumentations of it.
(A congress shall attempt to make no "law" establishing any brand of any sort of a single or combined flavour of totalitarian religious-monopolism)