Can we clear some of this up please?
We could start by you representing what I presented correctly. You miss quote a few things I said and you're splitting hairs on other points.
So let's break down what you're calling me out about:
1. Trump's Exec Order to halt immigration of Muslim refugees isn't a ban because of why? (Your comment is unclear). But here's a quote of a tweet from Trump: Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump 'Immigration Ban Is One Of Trump's Most Popular Orders So Far'...he called it an "immigration ban"; Why should that be interpreted differently?
2. Muslim is a religion and Mexican is a nationality and I include them in the "racist" category? Ok. I agree with you.
3. Since Muslim is a religion and Mexican is a nationality, Trump's not racist? No, I'll provide more examples.
4. Trump's not sexist? I'll provide more examples
5. Trump's not xenophobic? Debatable. The definition: intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. Given Trump's comments about the Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, Iraqis, Syrians, Iranians, Lybians, Somalians (sp?), Sudanese, and Yemen nationals he's subscribing to a lot of FUD.
I'll absolutely concede that Muslim isn't a race, Mexican isn't a race. So it's not racist comments toward these groups of people, it's hateful comments toward these people. Don't act like that's any worse. Hitler hated the Jews. Btw, I don't think Trump is anywhere close to Hitler. My point is that your comments to don't change the disrespect and hate in Trump's words.
More appropriate examples of Trumps racist attitude toward as he calls them, "the blacks":
The one thing Trump displays most regularly is his sexist and insulting/disrespectful attitude toward woman, a few of his brilliant comments for you to consider:
You can't deny this talk. You can't deny the hate and disrespect of these words, these thoughts. The idea of respect toward another human being isn't outdated. (And it goes against the christian religious ideals that so many hardcore republicans and Trump supporters claim to live their life by.)
What you can do...for all of just admit it doesn't bother you. Admit that you think this kind of talk - this hate, disrespect, and demeaning is OK. It doesn't bother a lot of Trump voters, that's how he got elected. Let's clear that bit up.