This coin has huge potential!
#TumpCoin, @TrumpCoinDTC, $DTC
Contract: 0xAb8c98491816FEde394582f7758A5eFfeb4368d7
Why would you invest now?
TrumpCoin is not just waiting for luck or miracles to happen. We are creating our own legacy with the help of our own initiatives.
If you remember the very first days of our launch when many other projects tried to copy us, you’ll notice that they’re ALL dead by now.
None of them survived due to them not being as original and dedicated as us.
We’re persistent, hard working, transparent and backed by some BIG whales.
Why do you think Venture Capitals approached us in the first place?
They know that once #Trump gains more popularity ALL Crypto investors will look for a “TrumpCoin” so why wouldn’t they invest in the one and only TrumpCoin!!!
Let this sink in…
Is this promoting some coin or what? I haven't heard about any of the TrumpCoin Before, this is the first time I've heard it. Can you show us which big Whales have been invested in it? Is there any website, Twitter account, telegram, or medium of this TrumpCoin? So, we could get more information about the project. In which chain it is?
I think you have posted a post, that has a lack of information through which we can't get to the point of what you mean. So, it would be better to post something extra or comprehensive about the TrumpCoin that you are promoting. Also, there are many more altcoin that is discussed daily.