Everyone has a "trust list" , which consists of people whose feedback you trust, so that their feedbacks actually affect a person's rating and shows up under "Trusted feedback" when viewing a person's trust page. If you haven't modified it, it will have "DefaultTrust" by default on it which consists of members who either theymos personally trusts or people who have been valued members of the community and are widely trusted. Now DefaultTrust is also an account, which has its own trust list. Now there are so called depth-levels, on Depth 0 are the people you have manually added to your trust list. On Depth 1 are people under Depth 1 users' trust list, considering you have a unchanged trust list, that would be people who are under DefaultTrust's trust list. On Depth 2 are the people under trust list of people on Depth 1. By default , you view only users from Depth 2 as "Trusted" , which can be changed up to a maximum of 4. Now coming to escrow.ms , he was added to DT 1 as he was an active member of the community and was a widely trusted escrow while also having a well maintained trust list.
Recently escrow.ms f*cked up, he was arrested for card cloning and illegal money transfer fraud which is possibly the reason for his removal from DT(abbreviation for DefaultTrust) . Now escrow.ms had you and many other individuals on his trust list, because of which you(and others) appeared on DT 2 of everyone who had DefaultTrust under their trust list or people who had escrow.ms under their trust list. Because of escrow.ms' removal from DT 1, he is currently at DT 2 as BadBear(Admin) and Tomatocage(another long time member and a trusted escrow) which means you are downgraded to DT 3. Now because nearly no one has selected level 3 under their trust page, no one would view your(or individuals who were only on escrow.ms' trust list) feedbacks as "Trusted" and the feedbacks won't affect one's ratings. For you however, your feedbacks will still be viewed as Trusted because you "trust yourself" by default(which cannot be changed lol)
Didn't create this just for the purpose of just explaining it to one member, I don't like repeating myself so I will use this as a reference whenever a member asks me/publicly as to what DT is. And from what I know, the least knowledgeable are the individuals which already are on DT.
Thanks again.