Op, if you check the image on your post very well, you will notice that Coinbase is written on the image, which shows that the 0.39083869 BTC was sent to the Coinbase exchange from an external bitcoin account, and it will take up to 3 network confirmations before it can be available to trade on the Coinbase exchange, which indicates that the 0.39083869 is not even in Trust wallet but on a centralized exchange. You were carried away by the amount of bitcoin in that email you received, and you failed to examine the email very well; if not, you would have noticed that the email was a phishing link and the scammer cropped out the image from the email Coinbase exchange sent him to notify him that his 0.39083869 bitcoin has arrived at Coinbase exchange account. Next time you receive an email like this, always examine it very well to see if the link attached to the email is worth linking so that you will not expose yourself to scammers, which will cause you to lose your assets to scammers.
So why making your statement sounds as if I have already failed victims to this phishing attempts, you may have to go back and read my entire message again, by then you may understand better.