A 62-million year evolutionary cycle (this is a cycle in which the fossil record shows regular mass extinctions/changes).
As paleontologist let me tell you this: There is no such thing as a 62-mil year "evolutuinary cycle" neither there is any cycle in mass extinctions. You might want to look up the big 5:
KT - Boundary (65Myr/bp)
JT - Boundary (205Myr/bp)
PT - Boundary (251Myr/bp)
FF - Boundary (late Devonian 360 - 375Myr/bp)
OS - Boundary (440Myr/bp)
"before present" is, in this context, defined as of before 1960.
Another astonishing scientific "truth" (or rather well accepted fact) is that none of these extinction events have been events of any sort. KT is known to be that big asteroid that hit earth and killed the dinosaurs.... unfortunately you find already mass extinctions even before the irdium anomaly that marks the point when the asteroid hit earth. PT Boundary, the so far known largest extinction event is yet unknown as of what happened there, but also here you see a gradual extinction before and after...
The height of the 11-year sunspot cycle is also expected around the end of this year.
As happened 2001, 1990, 1979.....
A Venus transit is also happening this year.
And what will be the outcome? Tidal (gravitational forces) that come from the moon arent even affecting earth a lot.. why should some small planet make any difference? Especially if it comes that close to earth often enough anyway..
Also, the solar system is entering an unusual interstellar dust cloud (also known as the "photon belt").
Had to spend an hour reading into this and wished i didnt. Sorry.. no scientific facts, nothing remotely believable. Wont go deeper into this now.
Of course it is also the Winter Solstice (i.e. the end of the solar year for the northern hemisphere).
Happend quite a lot in the past 4 billion years...... not sure if this is a sign of a cataclysm
Also, it's happening at 11:11 GMT/UTC.
So does carnival on 11/11 in Germany..