Arab terrorist also drive car, no thank you!
Arab terrorist also use FIAT, No thank you!
Where do you get this ass-backwards thinking?
All people use
Why is this proving so difficult for you to grasp?
Because there are still people out there not knowing what bitcoin is or can't understand how it seems to work. Some find it too technical to get into this is why people are holding of off using bitcoins.
You mean people don't want to use something that's complicated and confusing, which, with the possible exception of supporting kidnappers, pedos, and terrorists, offers no perceptible benefit?
There's no evidence that most people who use Bitcoin use it for Nefarious purposes. However, most US Dollars are spent for Nefarious Purposes. How much in US Dollars have been spent on illegal wars and bailouts for criminal banks? TRILLIONS! How many hundreds of billions of dollars were laundered by HSBC for Terrorists and Drug Dealers? How many billions were they fined for it once they got caught?
Bitcoin isn't much more complicated than email seemed to people at first. The whole world eventually realized the benefits. Being able to transmit data and value anywhere in the world virtually instantaneously for little to no fees without a middleman and is more cryptographically secure than credit cards and banks is a monumental benefit. Troll much?