
Topic: TT-Miner 2022.4.1 KAWPOW, PROGPOW, ETHASH, ETCHASH, EPIC, SHA512256D, GHOSTRIDER - page 30. (Read 132307 times)

Activity: 132
Merit: 10
Hello folks..

Does this miner work for ProgPow?

when Claymore ProgPow miner?

Yes it does - check your revision you need, depending on the coin you want to mine:

1. ProgPoW for BCI (BitcoinInterest)
2. ProgPoWz for Zano
3. progPoWH for HORA
4. ProgPoW Rev. 0.9.2 for SUN (Solidum)

any plans for support AMD devices in the future?
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
It looks like the 2.2.4 fixes the issues from 2.2.3 so I was able to upgrade from 2.2.2 - great work man!  2 Questions: what is the default intensity?  And can you explain how the hash report to the pool works with -rate? What does that effectively do?  Does that affect how much the rate attribution to the miner is?



happy to hear if things work Smiley
The default intensity is calculated and differs from card to card. You should see at start something like this:
06:26:58 Miner: GPU[0] use default intensity 12, Gridsize: 275
06:26:58 Miner: GPU[0] uses Gridsize: 275 and Blocksize: 448
so you get all information. The calculation is made after the algo is send to the gpu. For newer ProgPoW algos you can see this information whenever the algo changes. After 50 blocks.

-rate send the miner hashrate to the pool so that it can compare the hashrate from miner & from pool side. You can see this on - they support -rate!

Let me know if you have more questions - happy to help.

I thought it was fixed but unfortunately it looks like it still suffers from the same issues as 2.2.3 with slower speed and higher rejected shares Sad 2.2.0 is still the best for me.  .  I dont think I am the only one either, as zergpool shows most miners as using version 2.2.0.  You must have changed something going forward from there man you know what is causing this?  If you went back to however it was structured back in 2.2.0 and then added your other fixes/features you'd probably get a lot more people using the miner (more dev fee for you)

I guess you are on MTP and zergpool?

Nah I just look at zergpool to see what everyone is using.  I just mine XZC MTP at mintpond
Activity: 566
Merit: 16
It looks like the 2.2.4 fixes the issues from 2.2.3 so I was able to upgrade from 2.2.2 - great work man!  2 Questions: what is the default intensity?  And can you explain how the hash report to the pool works with -rate? What does that effectively do?  Does that affect how much the rate attribution to the miner is?



happy to hear if things work Smiley
The default intensity is calculated and differs from card to card. You should see at start something like this:
06:26:58 Miner: GPU[0] use default intensity 12, Gridsize: 275
06:26:58 Miner: GPU[0] uses Gridsize: 275 and Blocksize: 448
so you get all information. The calculation is made after the algo is send to the gpu. For newer ProgPoW algos you can see this information whenever the algo changes. After 50 blocks.

-rate send the miner hashrate to the pool so that it can compare the hashrate from miner & from pool side. You can see this on - they support -rate!

Let me know if you have more questions - happy to help.

I thought it was fixed but unfortunately it looks like it still suffers from the same issues as 2.2.3 with slower speed and higher rejected shares Sad 2.2.0 is still the best for me.  .  I dont think I am the only one either, as zergpool shows most miners as using version 2.2.0.  You must have changed something going forward from there man you know what is causing this?  If you went back to however it was structured back in 2.2.0 and then added your other fixes/features you'd probably get a lot more people using the miner (more dev fee for you)

I guess you are on MTP and zergpool?
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
It looks like the 2.2.4 fixes the issues from 2.2.3 so I was able to upgrade from 2.2.2 - great work man!  2 Questions: what is the default intensity?  And can you explain how the hash report to the pool works with -rate? What does that effectively do?  Does that affect how much the rate attribution to the miner is?



happy to hear if things work Smiley
The default intensity is calculated and differs from card to card. You should see at start something like this:
06:26:58 Miner: GPU[0] use default intensity 12, Gridsize: 275
06:26:58 Miner: GPU[0] uses Gridsize: 275 and Blocksize: 448
so you get all information. The calculation is made after the algo is send to the gpu. For newer ProgPoW algos you can see this information whenever the algo changes. After 50 blocks.

-rate send the miner hashrate to the pool so that it can compare the hashrate from miner & from pool side. You can see this on - they support -rate!

Let me know if you have more questions - happy to help.

I thought it was fixed but unfortunately it looks like it still suffers from the same issues as 2.2.3 with slower speed and higher rejected shares Sad 2.2.0 is still the best for me.  .  I dont think I am the only one either, as zergpool shows most miners as using version 2.2.0.  You must have changed something going forward from there man you know what is causing this?  If you went back to however it was structured back in 2.2.0 and then added your other fixes/features you'd probably get a lot more people using the miner (more dev fee for you)
Activity: 566
Merit: 16
It looks like the 2.2.4 fixes the issues from 2.2.3 so I was able to upgrade from 2.2.2 - great work man!  2 Questions: what is the default intensity?  And can you explain how the hash report to the pool works with -rate? What does that effectively do?  Does that affect how much the rate attribution to the miner is?



happy to hear if things work Smiley
The default intensity is calculated and differs from card to card. You should see at start something like this:
06:26:58 Miner: GPU[0] use default intensity 12, Gridsize: 275
06:26:58 Miner: GPU[0] uses Gridsize: 275 and Blocksize: 448
so you get all information. The calculation is made after the algo is send to the gpu. For newer ProgPoW algos you can see this information whenever the algo changes. After 50 blocks.

-rate send the miner hashrate to the pool so that it can compare the hashrate from miner & from pool side. You can see this on - they support -rate!

Let me know if you have more questions - happy to help.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
It looks like the 2.2.4 fixes the issues from 2.2.3 so I was able to upgrade from 2.2.2 - great work man!  2 Questions: what is the default intensity?  And can you explain how the hash report to the pool works with -rate? What does that effectively do?  Does that affect how much the rate attribution to the miner is?

Activity: 566
Merit: 16
Hi - thanks for your update. If I see that correctly You use a intensity of 22? Please try first without intensity setting. I have here with 2 1070 hashrates north of 66.6 MH/s @ 70% and have 6 shares after 3 minutes. So please retry without -i 22.

Please let me know if that works better or not.


20:45:45 GPU[0]: Accepted 33 ms. []
20:45:45 POOL: Received new job#: 8f8f410b71ecdee9ebad310d98fc241f3dc9561ce0f0b7209a9f51a6558cc7ea
20:45:51 GPU[0]: Accepted 28 ms. []
20:45:55 POOL: Received new job#: 7919fe9b1872f49bf8ccf4bd10c96345a6250668a849e345e2ce1bd3bcd07925
20:46:00 GPU[0]:  39.125 MH/s  CClk:1.683 GHz MClk:1.307 GHz 59C 69% 126W 310.51 kH/W [A4:R0 0.0%]  LastShare: 00:00:08
20:46:00 GPU[1]:  27.535 MH/s  CClk:1.987 GHz MClk:3.898 GHz 66C 36% 151W 182.35 kH/W [A2:R0 0.0%]  LastShare: 00:01:03
20:46:00 Rig-Speed[2 min]: 66.660 MH/s 277W 240.65 kH/W [A6:R0 0.0%] Uptime: 00:03:19  LastShare: 00:00:08
20:46:00 Luck: avg.time per share (2.000 GH @ 66.660 MH/s) 31 secs. passed 8 secs. luck share: 26% session: 89%
20:46:05 POOL: Received new job#: 19dedc2afffcae239e3c38907f2c415bb1dc6f81af3eeda73b8313f83f71c38c
jr. member
Activity: 222
Merit: 2
Thanks with this Beta version: it works on dwarfpool only hashrate is slower and NO shares on the dwarfpool

rem Skip RunEthMinerCommand section at start
goto PreStart

rem ========== Run EthMiner Command ==========


rem ==================== Your Code Starts Here ====================
rem ==================== Your Code Starts Here ====================
rem ==================== Your Code Starts Here ====================

@echo off


TT-Miner.exe -RH -i 22 -U -A ETHASH-101 -P 0x???wallet [email protected]:8008

echo restart miner...
goto loop

rem ==================== Your Code Ends Here ====================
rem ==================== Your Code Ends Here ====================
rem ==================== Your Code Ends Here ====================

exit /b

rem ========== PreStart ==========


rem Don't echo to standard output
@echo off
rem Set EthMiner Variables
rem set NO_COLOR=Yes
rem Make script variables local
rem Set version info
set V=1.9.7 (Donate ETH:0x7F5BB53c415334235a9E42eA03695F11b6553C0D)
rem Switch to the batch file's directory
cd /d %~dp0
rem Set codepage
chcp 437 >nul
rem Set title
title ETHMiNER WatchDog Version %V% by DiGiTaLPaRa_SiMSEK_2019

rem ========== Start ==========

echo ##########################################################################################
echo   ETHMiNERWatchDog Version %V%
echo   AUTHOR: SiMSeK  (DiGiTaLPaRa - TO-GitHub)
echo ##########################################################################################
echo ETHminerWatchDog
echo 1. Run ethminer.
echo 2. Restart ethminer up to 10 times.
echo 3. Reboot the system.
echo Additional:
echo - AutoFix #385 issue of Ethminer
echo - AutoFix #189 issue of Ethminer
echo - Log file RunTimes.log
echo - Auto Turn off the Error Dialog

rem ========== Initializing ==========

rem set loop to zero
set /A loopnum=0
set FileOut=RunTimes.log
echo ETHminerWatchDog Version %V% >> %FileOut%
reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v "DontShowUI" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f > nul 2>&1

rem ========== Run Program ==========


rem ========== Calc ==========

rem Increment loop by one
set /A loopnum=loopnum+1

rem Calculate Date & Time
rem Check if WMIC is available
WMIC.EXE Alias /? >nul 2>&1 || goto wmicError
rem Use WMIC to retrieve date and time
for /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%G in ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') do (
   if "%%~L"=="" goto wmicDone
      set _yyyy=%%L
      set _mm=00%%J
      set _dd=00%%G
      set _hour=00%%H
      set _minute=00%%I

rem Pad digits with leading zeros
      set _mm=%_mm:~-2%
      set _dd=%_dd:~-2%
      set _hour=%_hour:~-2%
      set _minute=%_minute:~-2%

rem Date/time in ISO 8601 format:
set pISOdate=%_yyyy%-%_mm%-%_dd% %_hour%:%_minute%

goto DateTimeOK

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set pdate=%%c-%%a-%%b)
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a in ('time /t') do (set ptime=%%a:%%b)
set pISOdate=%pdate% %ptime%


rem ========== Output ==========

rem ========== Screen Output ==========

echo ===============================================================================
echo %pISOdate%
echo ETHminerWatchDog has run %loopnum% times.
echo ===============================================================================

rem ========== File Output ==========

echo %pISOdate% ETHminerWatchDog has run %loopnum% times.>>%FileOut%

rem ========== Execution Code ==========

call :RunEthMinerCommand

rem Wait 5s
timeout /T 5 /NOBREAK>NUL

rem Check 10 loops
if %loopnum% gtr 9 goto ErrorHandling

rem Loop
goto runProgram

rem ========== Error Handling ==========


rem ========== Error Screen Output ==========

echo ===============================================================================
echo %pISOdate%
echo ETHminerWatchDog has run %loopnum% times.
echo System restart required.
echo Rebooting now (%pISOdate%).
echo ###############################################################################

rem ========== Error File Output ==========

echo %pISOdate% ETHminerWatchDog has run %loopnum% times.>>%FileOut%
echo System restart required. Rebooting now (%pISOdate%).>>%FileOut%
echo. >>%FileOut%
echo. >>%FileOut%

rem ========== System Reboot ==========

shutdown -r -f -t 0

rem ========== End ==========


rem ========== EoF ==========

TT-miner 15 minutes  0 Shares = Claymore miner 12 Shares = Phoenixminer 16 Shares
Activity: 566
Merit: 16
Hello folks..

Does this miner work for ProgPow?

when Claymore ProgPow miner?

Yes it does - check your revision you need, depending on the coin you want to mine:

1. ProgPoW for BCI (BitcoinInterest)
2. ProgPoWz for Zano
3. progPoWH for HORA
4. ProgPoW Rev. 0.9.2 for SUN (Solidum)

Activity: 132
Merit: 10
Hello folks..

Does this miner work for ProgPow?

when Claymore ProgPow miner?
Activity: 566
Merit: 16
why tt miner dont work with dwarfpool Huh


I didn't noticed that. Please DM me your command line. Will fix the problem.
Thanks for reporting.
jr. member
Activity: 222
Merit: 2
why tt miner dont work with dwarfpool Huh
Activity: 566
Merit: 16
New TT-Miner Version 2.2.4 released

on link is beta:

TT-Miner - Version: 2.2.4-beta5 (May 22 2019 14:13:54)

Sorry - my bad. Updated.
Thanks for pointing to this.

Please compile miner for cuda 9.1
On p106-100 there are only 388.71 drivers for windows 10

which algo do you need - I will try to make 'special' version for you.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
New TT-Miner Version 2.2.4 released

on link is beta:

TT-Miner - Version: 2.2.4-beta5 (May 22 2019 14:13:54)

Sorry - my bad. Updated.
Thanks for pointing to this.

Please compile miner for cuda 9.1
On p106-100 there are only 388.71 drivers for windows 10
Activity: 566
Merit: 16
New TT-Miner Version 2.2.4 released

on link is beta:

TT-Miner - Version: 2.2.4-beta5 (May 22 2019 14:13:54)

Sorry - my bad. Updated.
Thanks for pointing to this.
Activity: 825
Merit: 18
MindMiner developer
New TT-Miner Version 2.2.4 released

on link is beta:

TT-Miner - Version: 2.2.4-beta5 (May 22 2019 14:13:54)
Activity: 566
Merit: 16
Hey TrailingStop,
Is there a way to only use "-i auto" on a selection of GPUs?
I've added two 2060's to my rig of 1080's.
I'd only like to tweak intensity of those two. Can I restrict it, or will it go through and test all 7?

Hi dragonmike. Today this option is global. But it is s good idea. Put it on the list.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Activity: 566
Merit: 16
HORA 6x1080ti win 10, latest drivers, G3930=CPU load 100% Roll Eyes

Hi. Will  check. Thanks for reporting.
hero member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 556
Hey TrailingStop,
Is there a way to only use "-i auto" on a selection of GPUs?
I've added two 2060's to my rig of 1080's.
I'd only like to tweak intensity of those two. Can I restrict it, or will it go through and test all 7?
jr. member
Activity: 109
Merit: 1
HORA 6x1080ti win 10, latest drivers, G3930=CPU load 100% Roll Eyes
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