There exist over one million and one reason why people hate gambling, but few benefits of gambling can make a player to outsmart his colleagues in the office. Or even in an interview. I was able to check how gambling benefits relate to what HR officers look out for in a candidate before hiring them. There are 2 main benefit of gambling that improves the major skills people look out for in an employee in every offices.
Critical thinking: there have never been any job opening that doesn't require candidates to have this skill, because every company needs it to grow. And under critical thinking include skills like problem solving, idealist etc.
Socialization: Mainly the corporate world will call it interpersonal relationship. It's a very crucial skill anywhere we find ourselves in the world. And gamblers who participate in board games, easily develop the skill. When in the office, they'll always socialize and make friends with co-workers.
Personally, I've experienced these two, in my daily conversation with people. And realized that my responses are now more effective than it used to be in the past, before I began gambling. I'd always think fast and respond accurately what the next person wants to hear. And most times it makes them laugh.
There are other benefits of gambling, and how it has helped your gambling life. It'll be great if you shared some of it with us. Cheers.