Scientology is hopelessly evil.
Using emotive language and disinformation is hopelessly evil. Maybe you know you're lying, maybe you've been fed disinformation, but perhaps you should read about psychiatry before you make statements about it.
Start with:
1. Show me a scientific peer reviewed paper which explains how to perform a prefrontal lobotomy with "ice pick through the eye socket and then jiggling it around to scramble a person's brains"
2. Explain why electroconvulsive therapy is is an inappropriate method of treatment for some extreme disorders.
3. Provide adequately researched and peer reviewed methods than can perform better than psychiatry in all cases.
Think before you drink the kool aid.
Edit: and while we're at it, if you're going to judge a group on past performance rather than current performance, why not start with religions? There's a lot more 'evil' there. And Torquemada is just as relevant to Catholicism today as lobotomies are modern psychiatry.