Our agreement falls under Ukraine Law and a Private Banking agreement.
Mastercards recent decision has to do with thirdparty providers who issue cards for Cryptocards. For instance, Citizens Bank in Canada will issue anyone prepaid branded debit cards which some of these cryptobank platforms are using to try to issue cards. Both Mastercard and Visa have decided they want nothing to do with that and have banned these issuers from partnering with Cryptobanks or ICO's. The only programs that will not be effected will be European issued cards to European citizens.
What that means is:
UAHPAY will be the only solution that will have a Cryptocard on the market legally issued by a Government backed bank with local licensing which will service the global market.
Many of these ICO's and providers will surely move operations to Ukraine in the coming months.
The future looks bright and that future in Ukraine.
The real hero's here are the law makers in Kiev that are looking to innovate and strengthen the economy.
UAHPAY will be the only solution that will have Cryptocard in a market legally issued by a government-backed bank with a local license that will serve the global market.
That is a remarkable sentence, a fact that will be held by every investor who will be involved. good luck uahpay