I don't know much about UK's motivation but USA has a long history of rivalry and bad relations with Russia. Now Russia is not innocent by any means, it has strong dictstorship system, lots of trumping on human rights, corruption, but it can't be worse than Saudi Arabia. Yet the Saudis are US allies. I will never understand that.
I don't know much about UK's motivation..To stop dictators from ruling the world ..< DANGER
Show me 1 UK MP with billions made off robbing our countries minerals then own nukes personally like PUTIN and CRONIES ..
PUTIN without anyone else can set your nukes off UK you need protocol because if our leader says fire without others say so they be dead if they tried..
Putin assad and the likes can do what they likes AS they have already done..
And CLINTON and USA cronies are just the same as PUTIN greedy MF
Do you think they really care for you
The money is all they care for REMEMEBER they have to make some in your country love them OR they cannot robb you silly if no one likes them..A politician for you
A SCAM LIAR is nice that's how they rob you silly ..
My thoughts are PUTIN USA UK are all in bed the rich greedy mf scum bums..
All to keep us busy with suppose fear
My idea of the next war IS TO GET ALL THE LEADERS of our own nations and HANG THEM ALL