Both of these countries are at the verge of war against each other.
Though it makes no sense but still i wonder if the tense situation in both countries is the triggering point for the adoption of bitcoin?
take away the TV. take away the western media.
and you will see no bullet has been fired between ukraine and russia..
yet every day people in america cross state lines to shoot out rival gangs..
america has more tension.
the whole Russia/ukraine might seem a little tense if you live within 5 miles of the border. (more wonder/nervous than fear) but if you live 50 miles away.. its just another ordinary day. people go to work, people play music, games, have social lives. do normal things. politics and industry continue.
just because there is some political tension. does not mean industry stops. its not like peoples toilets dont flush because they turned off the water utility industry... life goes on, lights still work, toilets still flush
there are loads of Slavic social media platforms. some with good translations. its easy to talk to people and tell them about how they are feeling day to day. .. most are just doing the norm
when 'capitol hill' was being breached in washington. do you think people in arlington, alexandrine just dropped everything.. nah, they went to work as usual
take the wars in iraq and Afghanistan.. farmers still farmed. retailers still sold goods.
all they done was not be within 5 miles of the 'danger zone'