
Topic: [UMI] UMI — Universal Money Instrument - page 2. (Read 3271 times)

Activity: 208
Merit: 0
GLZ support added to UMI Jack

Dear friends, we’re happy to announce that we have received an excellent idea — multiple times — through the new form for ideas, issues and suggestions.

You can now use GLZ to play UMI Jack!

You asked — and we did it! Log into UMI Jack right now, choose a crypto asset of your choice for the game and win.

Play UMI Jack —

We continue to grow.
Always yours, UMI Team!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
UMI wall: where did it go and what happens next?

Dear friends, the “UMI wall” on SIGEN. pro disappeared this morning, and we’re now receiving questions regarding this. We have no idea where the wall went, what happened and why because we had no control over it (which we mentioned more than once).

The UMI price is currently free floating and the actual demand and supply will demonstrate what the coin is worth now. We’re sure that panic mongers and haters will sell the coin for nothing while true UMI believers will, on the contrary, buy as many coins as possible. We do not know what will happen to the coin price next. But we do know that nothing can stop us on our path to reaching our goals.

Our team will continue developing UMI OneApp. We have a great potential in the development of a DeFi ecosystem, decentralized NFT’s and the GameFi sector. We will soon offer you new games, tournaments and a lot more. Blockchain games + NFT = future, especially considering that it’s a super-fast blockchain with zero commissions.

In near future, you can expect a series of reports on NFT and new interesting products. If you believe in us — stay with us. We believe that the demand for UMI will grow in the future thanks to the products we develop, and it will be based on the genuine interest rather than a speculative wall.

Love, UMI Team!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
Exchanging assets in U-DEX

How to exchange crypto assets via U-DEX on UMI, Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain blockchains using the UMI OneApp ecosystem? Watch the new video on our YouTube channel and find out everything!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
What challenges do UMI developers face?

“If a user has to click more than one button to start working with a product, they won’t want to do it”

Dear friends, we have always tried and continue to try to create products that will be the most high-tech, easy-to-understand, secure and user-friendly for any user. In today’s article, we want to share with you the problems that we, UMI developers, face, as well as solutions we find. After all, you only see the final product — an app that is convenient to interact with on a smartphone or computer. However, “under the hood”, this app has a complex infrastructure with a range of solutions.

Today, we will tell you about the path the ready-to-use program code has to go before our users can start using it. It seems obvious that a nice and operating code is not enough to create a convenient product. We need to assemble and package the program in such a way that it is convenient for the user to work with.

A variety of operating systems and architectural platforms

There are a huge number of operating systems based on various architectural platforms, but it does not make any sense to try and create solutions for all of them at once. It would be more logical to target the most popular systems when creating an app.

Historically, three operating systems have become the most popular: Windows, Linux and macOS. However, they can be run on different hardware which is why a new variable appears — the processor architecture.

Previously, the mostly used processors included i386 (IA-32, 32-bit) and AMD64 (x86-64, 64-bit). However, as various mobile devices became more popular, active development of the ARM architecture platforms began, which also took the path of improvement from 32-bit to 64-bit version.

For the user, there’s just one difference between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions — the latter allows for the use of more than 4 GB of RAM with no particular difficulties. Since we knew that the UMI network could process a huge amount of transactions, we realized that network nodes would consume more memory. Accordingly, running a node with a small amount of addressable memory makes no sense in the long term.

Based on the above, we decided to support 64-bit architectures only. In practice, this means supporting four operating systems and corresponding processor architectures:

- Windows OS and AMD64 processor architecture;
- Linux OS and ARM64 processor architecture;
- Linux OS and AMD64;
- Two options for Apple devices that can be combined into one: Darwin operating system and ARM64 processor architecture (for M1 processors) or AMD64 processor architecture (for Intel processors).

We have managed to get rid of external dependencies which streamlines the assembly of the software core — the Go (golang) compiler is all we need.

However, the difficulties are still there because we need to pack the app into a package. Let’s consider a solution to this problem using Linux OS as an example.

There are a huge number of Linux distribution kits. They mainly differ by the set of libraries included in the distribution kit. This is where difficulties arise. For example, if you build an app with dependencies for CentOS 5, it may not work on a more recent release due to the different version of the libraries the app depends on.

Therefore, we are building the UMI app with no dynamic dependencies, that is, it does not depend on the environment it is launched in, at all.

It may seem it has solved our problem — we just need to download or compile a binary UMI file from the source files and run it. But it’s actually a little more complicated than that. In fact, our entire architecture was initially built around the Kubernetes open source software. Therefore, we used Docker as a packaging tool. We assembled Docker images for the AMD64 platform, and it all worked just fine. Docker was also good in a local environment.

However, a different Docker version for the new Apple M1 platform has recently been released, so we had to assemble two versions of the package — for AMD64 and ARM64. At first, it went smoothly thanks to buildx, an experimental Docker functionality. But following transition to the binary blockchain, we had to abandon Kubernetes because we had new requirements for the speed of the disk subsystem. Since we use Amazon Linux 2 based on the RHEL distribution kit to run virtual machines in the Amazon cloud, we decided to try using Advanced Packaging Tool (APT), a regular package manager, and RPM.

Initially, we had no problems with assembling RPM packages using Docker for the AMD64 platform. Later, while optimizing the server architecture cost, we tried using AWS instances on the ARM64 platform. To do this, we had to assemble RPM packages for the ARM64 architecture. Buildx handled the task perfectly well.

At around the same time, the UMI community asked us to add support for the Yum package manager used in Debian and Ubuntu. We delivered. As a result, we now have our own package repository —

So, while preparing each release, we assembled three versions of Linux packages — each package designed for two architectures. In total, it means six stages of development, if we leave out the pipelines for updates and repositories synchronization.

Later we ran into some issues:

- After each update of macOS (used by our developers as the main OS), the programs we used worked worse and worse.
- After another Android Studio update, the network stopped working in the Android emulator;
- We had some problems with network operation in VirtualBox which we actively used to test network interaction.

Working in such conditions became more and more difficult — we had to spend more and more time on repairing the tools rather than on the work itself. When we say ‘tools’, we mean compilers (packagers) we use to prepare products for release.

We decided to try the option with a test environment based on Google Cloud and created a new account to do this. In practice, however, it turned out that this has no major advantages, so we abandoned this idea.

Step by step, we came to the option with an ESXi hypervisor running on a local computer. We liked this option the most, so we just settled on it. But then, we still had the problem of assembling packages for different architectures. The most logical option would be to run separate servers to assemble packages for the target architecture. This would mean maximum efficiency with a relatively small increase in infrastructure costs.

But the recent instability in the world has forced us to reconsider the idea of using “foreign” servers for critical services. Therefore, we started looking for a solution that would allow us to solve the problems with assembling all the necessary packages and updating repositories within one local server. This solution would have to be easily reproducible in the event we need to move all the components to another environment.

As a result, GoReleaser became the solution of our choice. The first impression was quite good. We are now gradually transferring assembly lines to this tool. As we work, we carefully review and test everything; we also have to tackle with multiple peculiar things. It takes a lot of time, but so far this approach seems the most rewarding.

Dear friends, as you can see, the development of complex blockchain products is a time-consuming process most users don’t even notice. We are constantly facing new challenges and sometimes we spend a lot of resources and creative energy on solving the emerging problems. However, it’s definitely worth it as we want to create the best-of-class product that would be accessible to as many users as possible.

In the future, we will continue to be in close touch with you and publish technical articles to share our experience. We hope it’s been interesting.

Love, UMI Team!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
New answers to your questions

We greatly respect our community; therefore, we want to answer the questions you are most concerned about right now. We have compiled a list of questions from the chats and, idle talk aside, here are the answers.

1. You used to say that UMI bought from the wall return to the wall again. Why then is the wall shrinking?

To keep the wall from shrinking, we need to sell UMI bought from the wall for bitcoins, and return the received BTC back to the wall. That is, the procedure should be as follows:

- A UMI buy wall is created — and users use it to sell coins;
- The UMI coins bought by the wall holders are sold for BTC at a higher price;
- The received BTC are returned to the UMI buy wall at the wall price.

This is exactly what we did before when we set up the first buy wall in the first year of UMI development.

But the wall that exists now is completely different — it’s the second wall which we have nothing to do with. Last summer, during the panic sale, our former partners bought the entire wall from us. That is, they sold their UMI and received all BTC from this wall. Not to push the price down, we did not offer all the UMI coins we bought for sale at a higher price. 

After the situation stabilized, our former partners set up the second UMI buy wall using these bitcoins at on SIGE[Suspicious link removed]o where UMI is now sold at 0.00000035 BTC per coin. As far as we know, the price was calculated in such a way that all UMI in circulation could be bought. After that, our former partners closed down and left the market. Even though they did not take away the bitcoins from the wall on SIGE[Suspicious link removed]o, they also stopped managing the wall, according to their news about the closure. As far as we know, when selling UMI to the wall, they can easily withdraw these bitcoins from the exchange. It means that the wall is real, but we have nothing to do with it. It shrinks for a simple reason — users sell UMI using the wall and take bitcoins for themselves.

2. Will the wall keep UMI from falling below 1 ruble?

UMI is an international project that has nothing to do with rubles or any other national currency. In the previous answer, we already mentioned that the UMI buy wall was set up by our former partners so that all UMI coins in circulation could be bought for BTC. And the UMI team has nothing to do with this wall.

3. Why don’t developers launch a service to exchange fiat money for stablecoins linked to fiat currencies or gold? Stablecoins can be launched on the UMI network. For example, UMIG is a gold-bound stablecoin, UMIT is a dollar-bound asset.

Since these are two separate questions, we will answer each of them.

We plan to launch a service for exchanging fiat currencies for crypto assets within UMI OneApp. In our Manifest, we told you about U-DEXP2P — a decentralized peer-to-peer platform for exchanging cryptocurrencies and tokens for fiat currencies and vice versa. It will use a smart contract to protect the interests of both the buyer and the seller.

Read more about this service in our Manifest —

As for the stablecoins in the UMI network, we also plan to launch them. But we’re still working on the implementation options. Stablecoins can be different. For example, we can create backed stablecoins (such as USDT or USDC) or algorithmic stablecoins (for example, UST). If we create backed stablecoins, then we need to work out the issue of storing stablecoins backing. For example, to create UMIG, we first need to resolve the issue of purchasing and storing gold. Since we support the idea of full decentralization, it is not so easy to do this.

There are also options to issue tokens of other stablecoins in the UMI network. For example, USDT or UST. We can create bridges to transfer them between different networks. Thus, in the UMI network, it will be possible to tokenize any crypto asset from other networks, including stablecoins, to then transfer it within the UMI network at instant speed with zero transaction commissions. If necessary, this asset can be transferred back from the UMI network to another network.

In general, the issue of adding stablecoins to the UMI network and UMI OneApp is an interesting one and we’re actively working it out. As UMI OneApp develops, we will definitely develop this area. Follow our social media accounts to learn news firsthand.

4. After UMI OneApp is released, will the platform somehow develop to contribute to the growth of the UMI price?

Of course! We are making every effort to further develop the UMI OneApp DeFi platform. After the release of the first beta version, we have already presented:

- End-to-end authorization for UMI Wallet and UMI OneApp for more convenient and secure interaction with the DeFi ecosystem;
- UMI Wallet browser wallet in Google Chrome for quick connection to UMI OneApp via browser;
- The UMI Jack card game based on the UMI blockchain.

We are also nearing the finish line for the launch of NFT in the UMI network.

All this attracts users to the DeFi platform and creates demand for UMI. In the future, there will be a lot more awesome DeFi products; in some, UMI purchase, storage or burning will be mandatory. This may have a positive impact on UMI pricing and shortage. We believe that our qualitative development will allow us to achieve a positive change in the value of our coin.

We would also like to note that after new UMI OneApp updates are released and the DeFi platform is improved, we plan to launch a large-scale advertising campaign to attract a larger audience of crypto users from around the world.

So the large-scale development of UMI and UMI OneApp is still ahead of us!

5. Will UMI be listed on well-known and large exchanges if UMI OneApp has a positive impact on the coin?

Listing on new exchanges, including large ones, has been planned and included in our strategic development concept. The development of UMI OneApp will help us because the coin can become more well-known and popular.

At the same time, we are now more focused on the development of various DeFi areas (including DEX) because they ensure true decentralization and independence from various centralized structures. We can see how the entire crypto world is moving in the same direction, and we fully support it.

6. Will there be a possibility to shorten addresses in the UMI network in the future? For example, could there be something like a umi-nickname instead of a long and hard-to-remember address?

Yes. We have planned to develop the alias functionality, as we indicated in the Manifest. This solution will be presented in our DeFi universe within U-SideChain — the second layer on top of the main UMI blockchain (sidechain) for the integration of aliases, comments on transactions and other features. More specifically, alias is a short, easy-to-remember unique name that can be specified instead of a long and complex public address. For example, you can use your e-mail as an alias and actually receive cryptocurrency transfers “by email”.

That’s all for today. If you have some urgent question and you haven’t received an answer to it, don’t worry. We monitor what happens in our community and will definitely cover the most important issues that concern our audience.

Since comments in our Telegram channel are now open, as in many other social networks, you can safely ask new questions right there. We will select the most frequent, urgent and interesting questions to answer them in one of our future articles.

Love, UMI Team!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
UMI Jack game updated

Dear friends, we’ve updated the UMI Jack game — now the gaming process is more pleasant and convenient. The new features include:

- Sound notifications;
- Auto-authorization (you don’t have to log into your gaming account every time);
- The game update timer is reduced to 10 seconds;
- More games are displayed on the screen;
- The game filtration system has been change;
- Other technical points to improve UMI Jack.

Most importantly, we’ve fixed the bugs that made the game hang and shut down — you can now play with maximum pleasure!

We continue to improve UMI Jack and we’ll make a pleasant announcement very soon.

Play UMI Jack —

Have a nice game. Yours, UMI Team!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
UMI-based card game: proudly presenting our first GameFi product!

Fellow blockchain enthusiasts, please welcome a truly unique product in our DeFi universe — the UMI Jack card game. It uses the same principle as the world-famous Blackjack, but players are paired not with a dealer but with other players, like in the also-popular Twenty-One.

UMI Jack functions on top of the UMI decentralized blockchain, which enables the following advantages for the players:

Complete transparency and security. All the game operations are transactions in the UMI blockchain. This means that any player can easily check that all the game rules are strictly followed by monitoring the respective blockchain operations thanks to the transparency of UMI.

Fairness. The inherent transparency also lets anyone see which cards any of the players had when the game ends. The algorithm allows these data to be published openly.

High performance. The ultra-high throughput of UMI and complete absence of fees have made it possible to create a genuinely innovative blockchain-based product. Moreover, the UMI OneApp platform itself does not impose any fees as well.

A new way to obtain UMI. Since UMI Jack is based on the UMI blockchain, the UMI coin is organically used as the in-game currency. Play, win, and get your prizes in UMI!

As UMI Jack becomes more and more popular, the demand for UMI will also grow since the beginners wishing to try their luck in it will need to buy the coin.

Make sure to be one of the first to play, challenge your friends, choose your opponents, and start winning to get your UMI prizes! Get to the top of the leaderboard!

UMI Jack (based on the UMI blockchain)

P.S. This is just the first release: the development of UMI Jack will continue, so the game will continuously improve and new features will be added. Best of luck!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
NFTs on the UMI blockchain: the functionality is already being tested, and the first NFT is ready!

Dear friends, we have awesome news!

We are now successfully developing the functionality to mint and work with NFTs on the UMI blockchain. It is already being tested!

We are testing the functionality on the UMI test network, and we have already minted the first NFT there! You can find the image attached to the post, and the NFT-creation transaction can be viewed on the test blockchain.

The first NFT in the UMI network

The link to the NFT-creation transaction in the test network

This is an important step in the development of our UMI OneApp DeFi platform in accordance with the Manifest. The addition of the functionality to work with NFTs opens up unlimited possibilities to express yourself and create great new UMI-based products, such as the NFT platform and games that support NFT.

We will shortly make the public testing of the NFT functionality available for our community.

Continuously developing, Your UMI team!

Activity: 208
Merit: 0
UMI scam project!
Our team works non-stop on developing products based on UMI blockchain. How would that make us a scam project? What proof or arguments can you provide to support such accusations?
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
Activity: 1496
Merit: 1019 - Mars, here we come!
UMI scam project!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
Browser UMI Wallet for Google Chrome

We continue to develop the large-scale DeFi ecosystem — UMI OneApp. The basic component of the DeFi industry is an easy-to-use, secure and intuitive crypto wallet. And we have some great news in this respect.

UMI now has its own browser wallet!

A browser wallet is the foundation of the decentralized finance industry because it allows you to safely and conveniently interact with various apps.

You can use it to do the following:

- Securely connect to UMI OneApp to work with your assets on the DeFi platform: review your balance, exchange, stake or transfer coins or tokens. You only need to indicate your mnemonic phrase in the UMI browser wallet once and then you can use it to confirm all transactions in UMI OneApp.
- Directly work with crypto assets from the Chrome browser.

When you connect to UMI OneApp, the system will automatically prompt you to download the browser wallet.

UMI browser wallet for Google Chrome -
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
How can you make money on providing liquidity and farming in UMI OneApp?

It's easy!

1. Log in to the UMI OneApp DeFi platform;
2. Open the Liquidity Pools section and add liquidity to one of the available pairs;
3. If you wish, open the Farming section and provide LP tokens.

That's it! You will receive a reward for providing liquidity.

Read more in our article —
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
Start staking using UMI OneApp

It's easy!

1. Open the UMI OneApp website —;
2. In the Profit Center, select Staking;
3. Click Invest, specify the amount and invest funds in the staking pool.

That's it. Your assets are now growing.

Review the detailed guidelines in our article —
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
Boom on the Virtual Real Estate Market

We recently told you about the prospects of creating a virtual UMI-based world. We also asked you what you would do in the metaverses. Most of you chose ‘Earnings — asset trading, including NFT’ and ‘Entertainment — games, casinos, gambling’. It’s interesting to note that digital real estate will also play a key role in the development of the metaverses. This sector is growing rapidly:

- Sales of digital real estate in 2021 amounted to more than $500 million.

- Starting from January 2021 until the present day, the average price of digital land in the four most popular metaverses has increased from $1,265 to $12,684.

- Some parcels of virtual land even sell at higher prices. For example, an investment firm called Republic Realm bought 100 private islands in The Sandbox for $15,000 each last year. Today, they’re selling for about $300,000 each.

Further growth of the virtual real estate market is expected in 2022. In January alone, sales totaled $85 million, and over one year this figure could even reach a record $1 billion. Given the dynamics we observe, this is completely real. Moreover, according to analysts of JPMorgan, one of the world’s largest banks, the metaverse market will reach $1 trillion in annual revenue in the coming years, a significant share of which will be accounted for by the sale of digital real estate.

It’s only natural that UMI shouldn’t ignore this growing sector. We’re gradually breaking ground in the business of creating an entire metaverse based on the high-tech UMI blockchain — in the NFT sector. In the virtual worlds, each digital parcel of land or item is an NFT token, and we’re actively developing the NFT marketplace right now.

In the future, we will be able to create an entire virtual world and integrate both UMI coins or blockchain-based tokens as an in-game currency, and NFT tokens that will be traded on the NFT marketplace in UMI OneApp.

Digital real estate based on UMI is real!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
February 25, 2022, 08:47:17 AM
How do I make a fast exchange using UMI OneApp?

It's easy!

- Go to the UMI OneApp DeFi platform website ( ;
- Select Exchange;
- Select blockchain and assets to exchange;
- Run the transaction.

Review detailed guidelines with screenshots in our article —
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
February 21, 2022, 01:09:59 PM
Virtual World Based on UMI Blockchain is Real!

A short while ago, we told you about the top GameFi projects that are already available to UMI OneApp users. After reading this article, you might have had a logical question – could we create something like this or even an entire virtual world based on the UMI blockchain alone? Naturally, the answer is ‘yes’!

We could create a truly unique product thanks to the ultra-high speed of UMI blockchain and zero network commissions. UMI can easily handle the heaviest load!

The UMI coin or blockchain-based tokens could be easily integrated into a GameFi project as in-game currency. NFT support on the UMI blockchain would allow you to truly own your assets — virtual real estate, digital apparel, art and game objects, among other things.

Moreover, users of the UMI-based virtual world would be able to buy or exchange their property on an NFT marketplace also available in UMI OneApp.

UMI-based GameFi is one of the areas of our future growth!

Meanwhile, we continue to actively work on improving the UMI OneApp DeFi platform in accordance with our Manifest —
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
February 18, 2022, 02:24:56 PM
How can you start playing and earning with UMI OneApp?

Dear friends, UMI OneApp is an integrated ecosystem that unites multiple DeFi areas. To demonstrate the advantages of our platform more clearly, we decided to publish a few guides on using certain tools. Let’s start by looking at how you can earn money on blockchain games!

So, how can you start playing and earning? It’s really easy! First, open the UMI OneApp website —

Then, in the big Profit Center section, select Play and earn:

This will display a list of popular blockchain games based on the P2E principle (Play-to-Earn). In these games, users can fully own their assets, buy or sell them, get rewards for various achievements and use other methods to earn money.

On the left, you will see a convenient navigation menu with the supported blockchains. You can choose games based on the following blockchains here:

- Ethereum;
- BNB Smart Chain (formerly Binance Smart Chain);
- Hive;
- Worldwide Asset eXchange;
- Polygon.

For example, let’s select the most popular blockchain — Ethereum. Although transactions are quite expensive in this network (depending on the network load, commissions vary; for example, the average transaction cost is currently about $20), Ethereum remains the most popular blockchain platform for launching various DeFi solutions.

At present, UMI OneApp offers five games that support Ethereum:

- Decentraland is a whole virtual world where you fully own your digital property.
- The Sandbox is a decentralized, blockchain-based equivalent of Minecraft and Roblox.
- Axie Infinity is a collectible NFT game that combines Pay-to-Win and Play-to-Earn mechanics.
- Alien Worlds is a metaverse where players can mine in-game TLM currency and trade various NFTs.
- Splintershards is a game for one-on-one battles with another player with similar rating.

You can select any of them by clicking its icon. This will display a detailed description of the gameplay functionality which you can use to decide whether you are ready to start the game.

For example, the popular Axie Infinity game (almost 3 million active players daily) requires initial investments which can pay off later if you win. Users need to buy and breed Axies — virtual creatures — and use them to fight with other players.

The game page also displays the in-game currency exchange rate in real time.

If you like the game, click Play:

You will be immediately redirected to the game’s website where you can start playing and earning.

If you don’t like the game after reading the description, go back to the previous menu and select another game.

Right now, UMI OneApp users have access to the TOP 10 most popular blockchain games on the GameFi market. Soon, however, we will add more games that use the P2E principle, so keep a close eye on our updates. We also plan to create games based on the high-tech UMI blockchain in the future.

Follow the news. Yours, UMI Team!
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
February 15, 2022, 08:12:06 AM
Technical nuances of the UMI blockchain

How is the speed, security and reliability of the UMI network ensured? What role do master nodes and validator nodes play in these processes? Why is 100% decentralization difficult to achieve in today’s realities, and how does UMI seek to overcome this obstacle? We’ve got answers in a new video on our YouTube channel.
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
February 08, 2022, 01:55:23 PM
UMI code: key advantages of the GoLang programming language

When developing the UMI blockchain, we chose the GoLang programming language to write the network code from scratch. An important feature is a special compiler that is able to translate particular program code into binary code that will be accurately recognized by the virtual machine.

In practice, this means the following:

- The ability to run a validator node on almost any device — starting with powerful servers in data centers and ending with cheap smartphones.

- The ability to create Ethereum-compatible UMI smart contracts since one of the virtual machine instances for Ethereum (EVM) is also written in GoLang.

- Most interestingly, GoLang (also used by one of the EVM versions) will allow the UMI blockchain to support smart contracts of any complexity written in any programming language. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Solidity, Rust, Vyper or Yul — the compiler converts code into binary format and wraps it in a transaction.

By the way, we have already tested the launch of the validator node on mobile devices. We will tell you more about this later.
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