United Nations is starting to slowly but surely recognize Israel as what it truly is, a terrorist organization.
By placing the Zionist regime in the blacklist of organizations harming children (the list of child-murderers) that also includes other terrorist organizations including ISIS (Da'esh), Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram the United Nations took a very important first step.
In the past 200+ days the Israeli terrorists have murdered more than 36,000 Palestinians, including approximately 15,500 children and 10,300 women.
During this genocide, the Israeli terrorists have also wounded more than 80,000 people majority of which are children and women.
By the way these acts of terrorism and genocide are fully supported by the regimes of USA and other NATO countries...
And the weapons used to commit these crimes are paid for by the American and European taxpayers money...
I'm taking it lightly whether or not the UN calls Israel a terrorist organization because I've noticed one thing before, do the big countries listen to the UN? They don't. The United Nations as a nominal body cannot do anything. When a war breaks out between countries, the UN says they are working on a ceasefire, I mean no matter how hard they try, why are there is no progress.
Israel has become such a big terrorist organization that they have people with them who will continue to carry out terrorist activities, no matter what anyone says, it will not work.
The Israeli regime will not stop they will do it, they will kill more children they will kill more innocent people until they achieve their goal.
The United States wants to control the economic minerals of the Middle East because if they can control it, they will rule the world alone. American allies are using Israel as a trump card. Now we have nothing to do but count more bodies.