The fact that other coins work fine for withdrawals makes it clear that there is no "technical problem" at all. The problem most likely lies in them not having enough
BTC. Has anyone traced
BTC withdrawals back to check the overall amount of
BTC that Cryptsy is holding? These assholes running Cryptsy probably sold off
BTC deposits to fiat , betting that
BTC was going to take a dive, and now that it has gone up they are fucked and would need to buy
BTC at more than they sold it for to honor withdrawals. Instead of admitting this, they have chosen to say "Ermegard! We cunt get dis dad gummed pooter thing wurking wright! So Sowwwy Gais!! Bubais!
yes they certainly have problems.....but you make a very bold accusation without any proof. total conjecture. really ...they took bitcoin and sold because they were speculating on price? if in fact they don't have enough btc to cover withdrawals....that would be the least plausible explanation. more likely they sold off to pay expenses and bills....or were hacked.
The fact is that the stated income from Cryptsy from "legitimate" fees does not support the ~30 or so employees Vernon says they have. Not even close. Before the change to withdrawal only fees (which hides their income amount), their income was about ~4
BTC per day. This does not support having a couple dozen tech employees and a big fancy physical office. That means they are deriving income from other means, like shorting the various coins they hold, and yes , that includes
BTC. Figure it the fuck out already.
not sure where you get their stated income from as they are privately held....but feel free to suppose.
also, vern has bee awol for quite some time so I don't know where or when you get your 30ish plus 12 tech employees from... I think that number is quite dated.
In regards to current level staffing at crypsty... straight from bitjohn on another thread...
There are like 12ish now
Maybe fees don't cover expenses but again where is your proof they are trading coins they don't fucking assume a lot
The last time I checked, which was ~ May, Cryptsy's trade volume was running real close to 1,000
BTC per day. Their fees were at that time .25% . Do the fucking math yourself, dumbass. I already know for sure that this operation is crooked as a barrel of snakes. You, however, can believe whatever you want. I will stick to what I know. As far as # of Cryptsy employees, I have definitely seen various numbers claimed , and yes, I have definitely seen ~30 mentioned by BV or BJ or one of the other dirtbags involved in Cryptsy. They toss around big numbers when they are lying to try to make themselves look big, and smaller ones when they are trying to seem legitimate. Look it up yourself if it matters to you.
P.S: How much are these scumbags paying your sorry ass to shill for them? Or is this simply a purchased account? That you Bitjohn? Where is my Prime Controller ya lying sack of dogshit?