You have a few options:
1. 'Restore' your seed into "Breadwallet" (iOS or Android)... or "Simple Bitcoin Wallet" (Android only). These wallets use the same "Derivation Path" as MBHD, so will restore your wallet/addresses/transactions correctly.
2. If you're at all familiar with Python and running scripts, you can use my extractor scripts to get the addresses/private keys containing coins out of your MBHD wallet file
3. You can achieve the same thing as Option 2, by following the manual process below:
- Step 1. Create an offline copy of the BIP39 Mnemonic Code Converter: (instructions at bottom of the page)
- Step 2. Put your MBHD seed phrase in as "BIP39 Mnemonic"
- Step 3. Click "BIP32" under "Derivation Path" section
- Step 4. Set "Client" dropdown to "Custom Derivation Path"
- Step 5. Set the "BIP32 Derivation Path" to: m/0'/0
- Step 6. All your addresses/private keys for "Receive" addresses will show at bottom of the page (you may need to click "show more" if you have a lot of used addresses)
- Step 7. Set the "BIP32 Derivation Path" to: m/0'/1
- Step 8. All your addresses/private keys for "Change" addresses will show at the bottom of the page (you may need to click "show more" if you have a lot of transactions)
- Step 9. Sweep (or import) the private keys you have generated from Steps 6 and 8 into another wallet (I'd recommend Electrum)
- Step 10. Be Happy!