173400219 avw1982 200 20.00x Over 4.95 94.6 -200
173392567 avw1982 200 20.00x Under 95.04 71.39 -200
You should switch Under and Over in the my bet tab. I like to win 20x on just rolling over 4.95.
i can't seem to replicate this issue. I tested the tables on mybets and all bets... it shows fine.
173527818 unibtc 1 20.0000x Under 4.95 3.27 19
On other notes, i have pushed an update. Chat is now on the sides, and other widget icons on the other side. So you can chat at the same time see your bets table
-Fixed issue with chat scrolls.
-Fixed issue with chat timestamp.
173400219 avw1982 200 20.00x Over 4.95 94.6 -200
173392567 avw1982 200 20.00x Under 95.04 71.39 -200
You should switch Under and Over in the my bet tab. I like to win 20x on just rolling over 4.95.
i can't seem to replicate this issue. I tested the tables on mybets and all bets... it shows fine.
173527818 unibtc 1 20.0000x Under 4.95 3.27 19
On other notes, i have pushed an update. Chat is now on the sides, and other widget icons on the other side. So you can chat at the same time see your bets table
Will betting it goes well. If you return later to the tab it stands wrong. Today I won't be online anymore but shall try it tomorrow to replicate and maybe make some screen caps.
I found it, thanks
- Fixed issue with table bets which interchange the over and under label when refreshed.