"As terrible as Ag has performed all of last year, it is still holding value to BTC at this moment"
@ Benefactor: I only hope it stays down long enough for me to buy a little more. Watch the Greek elections this month, campers!!!
Rumor is the Merkel is prepared to let them out. Tough to believe, since she's about the only thing keeping the 5,000+ German corporations with operations in Russia from getting Germany to side with the 150+ PIIGS nations anti-$USD alliance. She still works for the Western bankers.
Perhaps as the West and $USD is collapsing, spearing the EUR will buy another month or something???
Pretty much off-topic, but this all factors into $USD Au/Ag and even BTC and, yes, UNO pricing.
Consistent support buying of Unobtanium by a dedicated community offers some HUGE possibilities in the next months!!!!