
Topic: [UNO] Unobtanium Info & Discussion - Hardfork block 1042000 - Merge Mine w/BTC! - page 67. (Read 1047075 times)

Activity: 2450
Merit: 1076

Hound us in the regular UNO thread.
No one else has issues with the regular wallet.
I tried the  UNO Electrum wallet for Windows/Mac/Linux. 
It will/did sync in minutes.

Best solution is to spread you UNO on deposit with / Bleu / cryptopia / bittrex
the network has no issue sending, so if you house on the main exchanges, until you grasp .dat file management, your risks are minimized.

Thanks for the reply, but your suggestion does not address my problem. I can't spread my coins out anywhere because they are still stuck in a wallet that won't sync. I tried twice to send some to Bittrex but nothing happend.
This is highly unorthodox, but I'll put my rep on the line to help you.
Do you want to email your wallet to [email protected]?  I'll try to recover everything for you and send it to your exchange address.
Ideally, you would encrypt the wallet, and then PM me the password.

I have QT wallets here that sync just fine.  Just post the address here publicly that you want me to send the Uno to.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0

Hound us in the regular UNO thread.
No one else has issues with the regular wallet.
I tried the  UNO Electrum wallet for Windows/Mac/Linux. 
It will/did sync in minutes.

Best solution is to spread you UNO on deposit with / Bleu / cryptopia / bittrex
the network has no issue sending, so if you house on the main exchanges, until you grasp .dat file management, your risks are minimized.

Thanks for the reply, but your suggestion does not address my problem. I can't spread my coins out anywhere because they are still stuck in a wallet that won't sync. I tried twice to send some to Bittrex but nothing happend.
Activity: 2450
Merit: 1076
Hi guys, i'm new here. I am interested in UNO ,so i downloaded electrum  wallet. I  exchanged some bitcoin to  UNO then transferred to my UNO address. I am yet to see the UNO in my wallet, I transferred over 2 hours ago. My wallet says synchronizing. Please help!
You should be good now. You good?
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1010
Join The Blockchain Revolution In Logistics
i was several weeks behind on the standard wallet.
sync'd in up 10 minutes.
part of the beauty of UNO, light wait/weight wallet Wink

Onward and upward!

Get on the bus train ... $UNO rides the caboose  Tongue.

it rhymes with ... *HINT ...
Activity: 2450
Merit: 1076
Hi guys, i'm new here. I am interested in UNO ,so i downloaded electrum  wallet. I  exchanged some bitcoin to  UNO then transferred to my UNO address. I am yet to see the UNO in my wallet, I transferred over 2 hours ago. My wallet says synchronizing. Please help!

I think there was a significant fork and I'm resyncing my electrum servers.... Should be ~2-3 hrs for service to return if successful. In the mean time, you can always export your private keys from electrum into the core client if you need immediate access to your funds.

Resync is complete, seems to be functioning now.

All electrum-uno-server instances will need to resync, to make the process a little easier I've uploaded a bootstrap:
Thanks, Cryptapus.  Everything is fine for me.  Electrum connected up for me without having to do anything special.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
its making my stomach churn.
im just sitting watching and feel i should be doing something...


on the otherside I pulled the trigger @$978 btc ... [7000 CNY -ish]
i think all of crypto is watching ... BTC @LEVEL stomach churn
It's sure nice to know that the 15k Cryptsy $UNO went to strong hands or it might have played out with a price of 7c not $7!

Onward and upward!
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1010
Join The Blockchain Revolution In Logistics
its making my stomach churn.
im just sitting watching and feel i should be doing something...


on the otherside I pulled the trigger @$978 btc ... [7000 CNY -ish]
i think all of crypto is watching ... BTC @LEVEL stomach churn
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
Glad to see this coin still got support after just over 3 years.

I used to mine it back in the day...
This community is always here.

Welcome back coin@coin! We're glad to see you here!
hero member
Activity: 626
Merit: 504
Hi guys, i'm new here. I am interested in UNO ,so i downloaded electrum  wallet. I  exchanged some bitcoin to  UNO then transferred to my UNO address. I am yet to see the UNO in my wallet, I transferred over 2 hours ago. My wallet says synchronizing. Please help!

I think there was a significant fork and I'm resyncing my electrum servers.... Should be ~2-3 hrs for service to return if successful. In the mean time, you can always export your private keys from electrum into the core client if you need immediate access to your funds.

Resync is complete, seems to be functioning now.

All electrum-uno-server instances will need to resync, to make the process a little easier I've uploaded a bootstrap:
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1010
Join The Blockchain Revolution In Logistics
Top Rank 100.
Happening.  Not now, but again.

LONGEVITY .... believe in the Blue. Est. 2013

Base Coin Crypto

NOW is the TIME
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
@cryptapus , thanks.  Is this the core wallet ' Windows (QT) (Compiled by Blazr2)'
hero member
Activity: 626
Merit: 504
Hi guys, i'm new here. I am interested in UNO ,so i downloaded electrum  wallet. I  exchanged some bitcoin to  UNO then transferred to my UNO address. I am yet to see the UNO in my wallet, I transferred over 2 hours ago. My wallet says synchronizing. Please help!

I think there was a significant fork and I'm resyncing my electrum servers.... Should be ~2-3 hrs for service to return if successful. In the mean time, you can always export your private keys from electrum into the core client if you need immediate access to your funds.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
@BitcoinNational thanks, I see my transaction from that link. I also need to see it in my wallet so i can spend from it,
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1010
Join The Blockchain Revolution In Logistics
i have a feeling
that UN is looking @$10/kg
$1.97 M ... static value (simple math)

[personally i pulled all sell orders expecting a leg down, the market, instead, went up]

mind blown

off to get some silver bullet ammo Wink
but why? already holding gold  Cool


check your TX or address here:
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
 Hi guys, i'm new here. I am interested in UNO ,so i downloaded electrum  wallet. I  exchanged some bitcoin to  UNO then transferred to my UNO address. I am yet to see the UNO in my wallet, I transferred over 2 hours ago. My wallet says synchronizing. Please help!
Activity: 2450
Merit: 1076
its making my stomach churn.

im just sitting watching and feel i should be doing something...

I'm a UNO perma bull, so I'm no use to anyone in these kinds of situations.  There are no rational logical brain cells in my head when I get excited about Uno. Sorry.

If Fyrstikken is a latent genius and one 1 Un becomes 8 bitcoins,  then no cryptocurrency  community deserves that more than Unobtanium. You guys are awesome.

Fyrstikken also says he is afraid not to keep some portion in Unobtanium.  That would have been good advice for early Bitcoin users ('just keep 200 of those cheap $2 bitcoins. They might be worth something someday').

But then, we have been here before, 3 or 4 times, when someone comes in and buys up a bunch of Uno.  Do they have a vision we can believe in?  Or is it just a temporary thing?  In the past, this community has soaked up the raining Uno after dumps and thefts.  I know we will be here to do the same if it should ever happen again.

Is it all just a @GameOfDeception like Wolong said?  Or is different this time?

A couple of weeks ago I was working to buy up Uno in the 001s, 002s and 003s, because to me UNO was easily worth $5/un,  .005 bitcoin, and $1M market cap. That's exactly where we are today, so I'm not complaining we got here faster than I thought we would. I believed in my heart we would get here.  Even so,  I still think it's worth .01, though I'm a bit more tepid to buy into this without knowing what the buyer has up his sleeve and having so little control in this market now.  

I've always been up front about my intentions for Uno. I see great potential for low inflation basecoin markets at Cryptopia.  I see a coin that is fun to trade. I love the exclusivity of Uno.  I enjoy the community. I like how UNO can sit for months with little activity and then just explode. That gives me an adrenaline rush.  
Whatever this person has in store for Uno, I look forward to seeing this play out. I'll still be here in the end, either buying into Uno in the 01's, or picking it back up from the 001's.  

I say, enjoy it.  Pumps and big price movements are all part of crypto. Be careful, don't risk anything you can't lose.  
Your UNO is worth way, way more than it was just a week ago.  That's good news.   And if the price gets dumped down to .00001 bitcoin (as we've seen before) then that's good news, too, for a UNO permabull like me.

This journey that is Unobtanium just gets more and more interesting as it heads toward it's 4th birthday in October.
Activity: 2450
Merit: 1076

Bittrex wallet 11K+ Uno 27/march/2017
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1010
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full member
Activity: 138
Merit: 100
wowowowo good morning  Unobtanium Community! looking good! hope everyone had a great weekend!
Activity: 1848
Merit: 1001
its making my stomach churn.

im just sitting watching and feel i should be doing something...
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