Only keep what you are willing to lose in exchange accounts. My email and exchange accounts were recently hacked (didn't have 2fa) and I was looted ~ 2.0 BTC worth of UNO and other altcoins. After I regained control of the accounts I looked at what the attacker sold my 100 UNO for (I had a sell order for them all at 0.01) on Bittrex and lowest was around 0.0035. I was planning on selling some of the coins I had on the exchanges to add to bankroll for sports betting purposes. Very glad I heeded earlier advice to remove most coins from exchanges - I could have lost 500+ UNO! Cryptsy was able to halt withdrawal action after I notified them of the security breach (it was close to the 24 hour window they hold withdrawal action after a password reset is requested) -I gotta give them props for that. I'm not the least bit discouraged and now have everything 2fa'd up and will continue steady monthly 10 UNO buys and more if I can afford it. I don't check my accounts every day so buy and hold (off exchange) works for me.