1) You will need to add the backup pool to your command line:
cgminer-nogpu.exe -o pool.50btc.com:8332 -u myemail@goeshere -p mypass -o pool2.50btc.com:8332 -u myemail@goeshere -p mypass
Every now and then one of the pools goes down. You might also set cgminer for pool load balance.
2) 50btc uses manual miner difficulty. Default is 1. At 74gh/s you should be 64 or more.
You can change it at https://50btc.com/worker/stats
The should be a small yellow box with a pencil in it. Clip on it and you can change difficulty. You can read more of this in the Help/FAQ section.
Good Luck
Thanks for the info. I have set my difficulty to 64 already and was able to see it coming down as 64 earlier - but when this disconnect problem happened it dropped back down to 1 somehow.
With that said, I'll try adding the second backup server - I didn't think of that! (Only thought about adding another pool as a backup)