I am very happy. DC Swamp+WS Swamp voted for Clinton massively. It's not a swamp, but a massive radioactive sewer. Deep cleaning. Next? I can't wait to see Satan calling Soros back to hell.
Hello robbylove,
Your name is so appropriate for my reply. I understand your anger against Sorros. However I think we should surf love. I know it is a proposition made of falls, but I think it is the safest fall we can have...
What drives my comment, is that yes, it is super easy to solve sorros. But what do we really solve doing so? Sometimes, defeating the great general of the other side doesn't bring victory, buying him neither... and maybe we may eliminate something we know for worst. But if we can win the heart of sorros and his ranks... we are greater.
I understand that what I am going to write, can be really unbearable for some, I would fully agree, and there I am referring to his youth. And in this way of thinking I believe the most important thing is understand the man he is now, at the down of life.
I believe that he is a smart cookie. That I think is undeniable. Secondly, I believe he experience great pains behind his posture of what he did. But I believe it isn't possible to judge on a few sentences in an interview about a period we have not lived. I don't say forgive or forget, simply not judging fast so grave.
With this in mind, we can maybe start to analyse what he did recently, it asks how we can use his energy for our gains. From what I read his "open society", promoted the right to dispose of oneself body (lgbtq+square or lgbwtfbbq
... Isn't it the in the spirit of the founding of america to let each one purse his own path toward happiness? Don't get me wrong, I believe they went too far with their indoctrination of children, let children be. If those in the lgbwtfbbq could find their own path there is no need to sexualize children, without of course entering in a nihilism about healtcare, prevention and respect. So rather than fight sorros and his ranks in this path toward more acceptance and respect for all, it would be smarter accompaigning in them while helping them recognize when it's too much, too soon, against the will of the parents, ie all the issue about whom the child belong (hint: the parents) and who decide (hint: the ones who pay, cry, laugh, ie the parents).
So in short yes to the liberty of all adult to do what they want with their will, while respecting and helping to defend the one of the parents. If you don't want your teenager to learn about contraception, healthcare risks and co, you may in for a big surprise... but it's your child, until majority. this is important to respect.
then sorros and his ranks are hot on police errors. Who doesn't want the best police? law enforcement officers want the best police, one reason being they aren't on duty all the time, have families and a dirty cop taint their own work. Sadly, like with all humans there may pop bad elements. Some are just doing mistakes, shit happens, others clearly breach their oath. Is the cop closing his eyes on this old man suffering from a serious illness while seeing his stasho f herbs a dirty cop?
So it lead to the question of coming back to the roots and ideals of the founding of the usa, why the war of independence and what the independence day mean, a liberation of mankind, to be greater.
so when sorros ranks says, police brutality, let's see, what can be improve for that not to happen. Sadly, something are beyond the control of the law ENFORCEMENT agents. Nothing is easier to enforce than a just law.
so as we can see we touch on three issues, who seems separated but have the same foundation: how to protect children, teenage, young men, grown up, adult and senile while not limiting their liberties and in the respect of various tradition and new trends.
And as we can see sorros is in the middle of those important issues. Is it for a nefarious end goal? I can't tell you, but I want adult (lgbwtfbbq) to do what they want with mutual consent and knowing that they can always seek the help of the cops. On the same token, those on the psychoactive side of life, too needs to be able to seek peace in the security of those who are clear minded during their duties... drunk fights can end badly for nothing.
what I am saying is that the Law enforcement agents aren't the problem, but some laws. I think for most it is hard to imagine the violence generated by criminalizing gays... or abortion... or psychoactive. again I understand the wish of parents to not push behaviors they may for some rightly so find aborent and dangerous for their children. Removing cigars ads isn't a bad thing for non cigar aficionados... but for the fans?
finally I think sorros understood that overwhelming america with illegals aliens isn't the solution, but to collapse.
in very short how to play judo on sorros and particularly his ranks and bring them to help in MAGA ! and without them it can't be MAGA ! it would only be half maga.
And to comeback to the lgbwtfbbq, most recognize that sexualizing preteens is completly moronic, while on the other hand most agree that educating on what is an unacceptable behaviors from others is critical, from respect, to the will or the body. I believe those who will sexualize babies will be the same who will deny the will... And who better placed than the responsible and common sense ranks of sorros to help LEO find those hidding among them for nefarious goals?
by attacking them, rather than help us expel, those hiding among their ranks, they will close... and make this task way harder.
An issue that I am surprised to not see sorros intervene more is right and respect of the will and body of old people (seniles
). It's really important. respect the old, weak and young.
another aspect, as laws are made in congress, when sorros clean his stable, lots of dead horse and skeleton will resurface... and I mean, bubbling.
Of course, I could be completely off board, and this man could be hell bent on destroying the usa to what ever is few last day reward maybe... I am not convince yet. Having a close mind on him isn't the most effective way to defeat him, and as I believe this isn't really a complex issue, the more important question in this case of covert will to destroy the usa is how to handle the ranks. I am certain that a lgbwtfbbq who just want to be an equal citizen under the provision of the constitution, to live happily his life the way it make him happy, isn't aware of the hypothetical wishes of sorros to erase the usa.
why would he waste his time on the usa if he hated it so much?
switching gears
I would love for trump admin and particularly secretary Mattis to audit the issue of vaccines in the military. My opinion is simple: the best products available. I think we should have two lines. one for peace being the most advanced and safest vaccine on earth independently of anything, cost, storability etc. And another line called the shit has hitten the fan, and their we need stocks, and to stock there are compromise to made. One is about the purest flow, and the others the durable stock, storage-able.
in short to transition from make america great again to make america always the best (which is less vocally appealing than maga...
the problem is that in certain places, without vaccines, the survivability drop faster to zero than gravity gets bullets down and if you had the troop rotation and co... it's one thing when a nowax says no and goes all in, it's only his choice, like an lgbwtfbbq, his life, but there is unity to defend. It's like the debate of should helmet be mandatory... just saying if disorganization start to rule in peace... wait for action
and to end in flashes of lights :
With the independence day getting closer, and beyond the reflection on those who made this liberation possible, the bbqs and parties, there is fireworks...
what are MAGA fireworks? I hope it isn't too short on notice... and please, don't forget those rovers and voyagers... they are american too
. If on the second of July 1776 I had told them about those robots...
, but yes they are.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Henry_Leeor for the more active ones :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_III#Synopsisps it's 4th officially of July, and let's quick this movie, which tried to own this querry down the ranking.... to the second page at least
edited :
I did get genuinely chumped in a certain way and it is this: Almost without exception, the complaints against Trump from my friends and family and lots of people on this board were maddeningly inane. The simple reason for this is that most people have access only to the mainstream media and all they can do is repeat whatever nonsense is spewed there. These are not bad people in some sinister plot. Just 'tarded. The trouble is that idiocy is like a red flag to a bull for a guy like me who cannot keep his mouth shut. I was repeated baited into 'defending' Trump.
bait them to "surf love" with you, from a walk in the park to the forest to playing bowling... something where talking isn't the main thread, because once doing, you can talk of something else, than talking
if it is understandable? or like Ivanka did wrote, there are thousands of sports and activities to try
painting, backing, walking, shooting, praying... what ever everyone can do
and most of the coolest things aren't the expansivest, most are free btw.
but this is a serious issue you raise.