Thank you for your opinion. I really enjoyed. In USA we have coup's behind the scenes. The last few happened during Kennedy where a very dangerous group shot there way into power. They have been there ever since. During this time we have seen the elimination of the federal position in the judiciary department that investigates corrupt fed. gov. officials (last one was poisoned at a sporting event with a hot dog). And the increase in corruption at the federal level.
The election is the peaceful way we transfer power in the USA and there is a reason for the second amendment. Because the people must prosecute this election with threat of violence. If only the gov has guns then they will never transfer power without balance of power from the people who are angry enough to use it.
The democrats are being provided a peaceful alternative in Trump and they are showing us that they are doubling down on the lies and censorship instead determined to steal this election from the people and deny us a Trump presidency after he is showing 85+% in real data
Voluntary exit polls must be conducted with HD cameras on polling locations. Verification of voters must be done with the local records book. Many reports are coming in where 4 voters are registered to each address where it should only be two. So far the fraudulent names are usually Spanish sounding names blended with the family name of the people living at the address. And PVeritas just exposed how this is being done.
1) So now the fight is going to be getting new voter to the polls on voting day or help with the absentee ballots. 2) Verification of how many voters are at your address and make sure it is you and not someone else (you have a right to look at this book). 3) if you find others registered at you address grab the book, take photos and run and yell "VOTER FRAUD AUDITOR, VOTER FRAUD AUDITOR! AND PEOPLE WILL HELP YOU THEY ARE SICK OF THE FRAUD TOO. PUBLISH THIS FAR AND WIDE."
4) HD camera all polling exits in USA on NOV 8th and compare online for double voters that get bussed around
5) Someone needs to click the number of people that go in and out of each polling location
6) Conduct voluntary exit polls on paper, or anyway possible to find margin of real error with the official results and the data from item # 5 above
If the globalists really had something wonderful going for them they would not need to steal and lie to us. We would be happy to fund their wonderful idea. But the truth is they want your vote, money, property and life and care not what you think.
7) wear red on voting day for Trump and write the words Trump on your shirt or wear a red Trump shirt.
- voting Trump, wearing red
- voting Trump, no red - forgot
- voting Trump, no red - don't wish to be identified
- not voting Trump - happened to be wearing red
and thus paint a pretty clear picture of his support.