I can create a transaction on my online laptop and save it and transfer it to my old offline PC and then sign it and transfer it back to broadcast on my online Laptop.Now is this the safest cold storage? and will my private key leak after transfering signed transaction back to online Laptop?
And Electrum generated 10 address with private keys on offline PC which is Not connected to internet.What are the chances that any 1 of the address can again by generated by some other Wallet?
And one last question,Just in case my old PC goes out of bussiness and Does not start on some day then how can i recover my moondollars and even that possible to recover in such case?can i take backup?
I will appreciate some experienced bitcoin geak to please come and answer these.
My old offline PC gave up in just 1 day and doesn't start now but somehow i recovered the wallet using the seed and sended the moondollars to other address.I still can't figure out how to store my moondollars safely now.
I can't trust online wallets.I can't afford hardware wallets because they are too expensive.What are my options now?
Please suggest me guys how can i safely store my 7+ btc .I only have 1 laptop and an android phone.