Why do you need a VPS?
You can use it to run your software, to run instances where you can use as another PC and browse internet or create social accounts.
In this step-by-step video I'll show you how to get a free USA number and a VCC to verify AWS account and get a FREE tier AWS services account.
Watch over my shoulders how I launch a VPS instance in minutes, ready to use for marketing purposes!
You won't need to use your personal CC to get this free tier offer from Amazon.
When you get a free account, you have three locations where to choose from, but that's not all.
You can buy a cheap coupon (here at this forum), add it to your new account and you'll have unlimited resources.
Method still work, but with additional steps it will be stronger.
Note: if you want to pay with paypal, contact me. Paypal option only for established members.
3 Vouch copies available for 3 reputed members only.
Notice: if you are granted with a review copy, you agree to review it within 4 hours max. as this method take only minutes to apply.
Hi, op let me know if your method still work