Hello Friends,
I'd like to present this as a thought exercise. I am by no means advocating for the overthrow of government. I am looking to start a conversation about how to make congress obsolete, hence the title. Congress will not be regulating the blockchain, the blockchain will be regulating congress. We the people need options cultivated if we are to ask for a change. Congress is slow, clunky, wasteful, unrepresentative, and in short soon to be obsolete in its current form. Let me start my argument with a few quotes about social contracts and checks and balances to help define the argument.
The US constitution is a social contract.
http://www.constitution.org/soclcont.htmThe fundamental basis for government and law in this system is the concept of the social contract, according to which human beings begin as individuals in a state of nature, and create a society by establishing a contract whereby they agree to live together in harmony for their mutual benefit, after which they are said to live in a state of society. This contract involves the retaining of certain natural rights, an acceptance of restrictions of certain liberties, the assumption of certain duties, and the pooling of certain powers to be exercised collectively.
The social contract is very simple. It has only two basic terms: (1) mutual defense of rights; and (2) mutual decision by deliberative assembly. There are no agents, no officials, that persist from one deliberative assembly to another. The duties of the social contract are militia. There may be customs that persist from assembly to assembly, such as customs for due notice, parliamentary procedure, judicial due process, and enforcement of court orders by militia. This second term could be called the constitution of society, but it precedes a constitution of government and should not be confused with it.
Checks and Balances
The framers of the U.S. Constitution addressed the problem of avoiding unbalanced or excessive concentrations of power in government by adopting a constitution in which legislative, executive, and judicial powers are largely divided among separate branches, with each having some power to check the abuses of the others. Legislative powers were further divided between two legislative bodies. Some powers were delegated to the central national government, which others were reserved to the component states or the people.
Around the end of the 19th century, however, it became increasingly apparent that excessive and unbalanced concentrations of power in the private sector could subvert the system of checks and balances in government, and the first anti-trust laws were passed to try to provide a check on those undue influences. Unfortunately, such legislation has not been entirely effective, and we now face a situation in which to an intolerable degree the real powers of government are being exercised not by constitutional bodies but by secret cabals based in the private sector but extending throughout government, cabals which are increasingly coherent and increasingly abusive of the rights of the people, including the right to have government be accountable to them and not to a power elite.
The continued constitutional development of this society will therefore require the development of a new, more sophisticated system of checks and balances that extends throughout the private sector as well as the public and does not entirely rely on market forces.What would the US constitution look like if it was built into a blockchain protocol called votecoin or whatever? IE: Build in a social contract into a blockchain based voting system.
1. Congress is unrepresentative of the people
2. The people can be better represented with blockchain techology
3. Only this small unrepresentative group called congress votes; most in congress don't even read bills let alone vote
4 Any registered voter can vote with votecoin.
5 Congress proposes outlandish bills
6 People can also propose outlandish bills
The blockchain can be a way to leverage contracts. If a law were voted on and violated the protocol, ie: the constitution, it would cease to become part of the blockchain. Add in an open source transparent system for extra checks and balances.
We keep the other two branches of gov as they are for now but update congress to the votecoin constitution protocol. Sorry current group but you're all FIRED!
The blockchain is a way to vote on, store, and leverage contracts; No need for congress 1.0.
The Declaration of Independence states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness