I'm the main guy presenting that hypothesis here. It's not my own, but is interesting enough and explanatory enough to further entertain.
I think I came across it on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIRhNo3Df7o
I wonder if Russia is involved in this or not. I do suppose they wouldn't like the Chinese getting any more influential.
Really crazy if you think about it but everything is indeed possible.
Your link is Steve Ben-Nun who runs Israeli News Live along with his wife. I get a lot of information from him for the last year or so and currently consider him a good source, but this is not the guy.
The guy I was thinking of is Brendon O'Connell. He's quite mentally unstable and makes very poor decisions. Whether it is because he was mistreated in prison, or natively nutso, or some combination of both I do not know. One way or another he is something of a dead-end in terms of getting anything useful accomplished but he does have a fair bit of what I consider to be high value info. I suspect that he's been memory-holed be TPTB by now and his on-line content deleted, but I've not looked for a while.
A kind of a middle-ground source which I use recently is 'Trunews'. They picked up on O'Connell's work on the Talpiot program and ran with it for a while. For atheists like me I sometimes fast-forward through the heavily Christian-based parts of their work but about 80% of it is pretty worthwhile.
I will suggest here that there are MANY sources who are thoroughly corrupt, and often from the get-go, but they are STILL well worth listening to since in order to build their credibility they will spend years (or decades even) pumping out pretty good information. If they did not do this, they would not get to first base.
Their 'game' is to play a part in slowly turning their following in a particular direction. When a big event happens they inevitably tip their hand. A shrewd recipient of information will be able to recognize this. They can be extraordinarily valued information because a lot of it is insider. If you can identify one of these people early it is extra valuable because you can watch them and get a fairly clear picture of the direction(s) their handlers are trying to gently turn society at large.