To keep the dollar price best or to call it another way that it doesn't over-inflate, I think just cutting taxes and stopping the trade war with China would be the best way. I don't think the US will legalize the drug trade bro
Well im not Rarely up dated...
I just look the world how it is!!
They dont legalize drug trade yes.. But Let's look at the Escobar times... so the Escobar air plane pilot was dea agent.
So we have to look at the facts and Reality.
If they do some moves then they change the rest of the world the way they want and we have to be prepared for this.
Well, to be honest based on what I know about it, dollars now in US has no any back up, and as far as I know US dollar is not back up by gold anymore together with oil too. But if the new President now in US will be like Escobar, well let see what are the possible things will be happen in the future.