Your profile: on joining here you are account is brand new, and you get promoted with posts and activity, see everything about your profile rank here: and to know more about what those coins on your profile mean and account badges, check here;
Rules and Guidelines :The group encourages quality contributions and interactions as long as it is ethical and helpful to the community. Check out the rules and guidelines of the forum to know what is accepted and not,
The rules are flexible and the moderators can make decisions at their discretion as regards defaulters and those who flaunt the rules knowingly or unknowingly.
This is a more basic explanation on the rules on posting,
This is article contains general and helpful information for newbies;
Forum Boards: There are different boards for different sections, endeavour to post on the most appropriate board when contributing or inquiring. Always be on the look out for sticky threads as the contain important information, hence, why they were stuck.
You can always use the search button at the top right when looking for information. Just input the keyword andsearch
Thanks for the info. I just started and I am happy to be here.