In this thread I will list known alt accounts of users. You can check this list before dealing with anyone. Please note that this is a work-in-progress list and in no way a complete overview of all alt accounts a person may own.
Any contribution to the list will be appreciated, you can see below how you should format your reports. Contributions should be made directly in the thread. Contributions which don't use the proper format will not be counted towards the 'level of awesomeness'. In order to be listed in the table of 'Top Contributors', a person requires at least 5 points towards the level of awesomeness scale.
Other information:
Negative Rating The account painted with this color has received negative rating by a member of Default Trust.
Banned The account painted with this color has been banned.
New reports should be submitted in the following format:
[b]Accounts connected:[/b] [url=;u=#]Username[/url], [url=;u=#]Username[/url], [url=;u=#]Username[/url] (and so on).
[b]Proof:[/b] Please provide substantial proof that the accounts you listed are owned by one and the same person. Either explain the connection here or link to the explanation.
[b]Addresses:[/b] List any addresses you have seen the person use. Best: One address per line. Also, use [code ] and [/code ] please.
[i]Miscellaneous:[/i] Any other comments you may have belong here.
2017-07-17: Killed 'Level of Awesomeness'.
2016-12-04: Revamped 'Level of awesomeness'.
2016-12-03: Removed trust column and colorized users based on status.
2016-12-02: New thread created, wiped changelog, level of awesomeness. Added 'Date' column.